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    Minecraft Alpha Server Goes Public Today

    huh. My sister got Alpha, so I can play offline, but not online yet. Must figure out how I'm going to get it... >.> P.S. SO AWESOME! (Survival and that the T9K SMP server is up.)
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    CoD 6 or 7?

    If you can't decide based on gameplay, the deciding factors are cost and popularity. Right now, everyone else is playing Black Ops because it's newer, but MW2 is a lot cheaper, so decide which one's more important to you.
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    A Halo: Reach Rube Goldberg Machine

    That must have taken even longer to build than most Rube Goldberg machines.
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    yeah, sounds about right. It wasn't long after I finished Reach, and that was around 2. Said he'd be on this afternoon sometime.
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    COD 2 V.S. Everything else

    at this point I would say get Black Ops, since the multiplayer is at least as good as MW2's and that's what everyone else has now. Of course, I like Halo's campaigns...
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    Contest 021: I ???? Minecraft!

    I like Minecraft because of the limitless possibilities to your creativity. Its genius is in its simplicity.
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    MineCraft Build Museum

    My latest creation, spent all day on this (well, all the time I was in Minecraft. Probably 4 or 5 hours.) It's about 50 blocks tall, including the spires and the eye, and I think the tower itself was 33 blocks wide. It's wider than I thought... Preferably it would be like 3 times at tall...
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    Should builders lose kick rights?

    *shrug* just promote the guys you trust with kicking people, ahead of time if you can. Problem solved! How far up the rank scale is that, anyway? Let's see... Guest, Cool, Artist... Builder, ??? (what's it called, anyone know?), Awesome, Pro, ProPlus, Owner... Did I miss anything?
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    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    I totally would, but I am unable to at the moment. And I would almost buy it just because it has a zombie mode. That was so awesome in WaW... Oh, and the reason I haven't been on lately is because I've been busy with school work, trying to get a job, and.. playing some other games. Come on...
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    Fallout New Vegas!

    Not me - my step-dad. Not going to get to play it until A: He finishes it (most importantly) and B: I get a job. (Working on getting one at Gamestop :D)
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    Live Updating MineCraft Screenshots

    Hmm I see the cool 3 world, and I think I saw my tag (it was backwards, hard to read), but I couldn't see my Assassin's Creed symbol in the corner. Is it still there and the image messed up, or did it just get deleted? I figured out where it's supposed to be, but not there... P.S Sorry I...
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    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    My newest creation, and my first as cool! (/me grins) It's in cool3, back right. If you don't recognize it, it's the Assassin's symbol from Assassin's Creed. By aldowyn at 2010-10-14
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    I dont wanna be a Guest! haha

    See, the reason you were never promoted was because you didn't do what you were supposed to. There's a thread for this express purpose, here.
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    MightyMole is new !

    Oh, Oklahoma! That's where I'm from! BTW, welcome and good luck! Well, when the server goes back up, anyway...
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    Can't login to T9000 server

    ... Is it just me or did it crash again? It's just showing me the "Connecting" screen, and the only time it's been there for more than a second or two is when it crashed last time. Soo.... yeah.
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    Team 9000 Minecraft museum is a fail...

    In essence: "ZOMG someone actually MADE that? PIXEL BY PIXEL? OMG SO AWESOME!" Compounded with such projects as the Enterprise.
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    My Quasi-Review!

    Hey, I did a quasi-review of Minecraft, focusing on this server, on my blog! It's at, you should check it out! I actually think it was quite a good article! P.S. I wasn't sure where to put this, this seemed like the closest, so if there's a better place, please tell me or...
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    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Hey man don't diss yourself! That's a pretty neat starship, reminds me of the ... something or other frigates from Star Wars!
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    Hello world ! :) [Minishlink]

    I'm good with Nazi shrines, as long as they aren't messing someone else's stuff up and they look cool. Someone made one behind the cross in my church of gold in the gold cave. I would never have found it if they hadn't turned the cross upside-down! >.>
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    Can't login to T9000 server

    Oh noes teh servuh is down! ... On another note, I think I'll use this time to write that Minecraft post I've been meaning to do since I got into it. See you guys again in an hour or so! :D