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  1. crucifix

    The HOT CHICKS thread

    Failure...Failure everywhere.
  2. crucifix

    Tweet-Bot Guesses your Future

    "Hey I make fun mmk My boners can never keep it last night. He's got an infection. pure armpit stench." damn. its learning.
  3. crucifix

    Portal 2 Released

    I want but cannot have. Yallz needs tuh broadcast sum moar.
  4. crucifix

    Team9000 2.0 - The Future is Here

    This place is crakalakin once again. Impressed i am.
  5. crucifix

    I'm Old Gregg

    He was done with that shit. They just wanted his funk milk.
  6. crucifix

    New Unreal Engine Video

    Saw this the other night. Quite the spectacle.
  7. crucifix

    Image Thread

    A few gifs
  8. crucifix

    Contest 022: Pineapples

    Team9000 gaming, where everyone is on the team! Even your raging asian roomate. Pineapple. Theoretical points are so boss.
  9. crucifix

    Contest 020: HaikuUUUUUU

    5 hours watching toonami The top of my head itches, Gundam wing forever BLARG
  10. crucifix

    Ayy Durr

    This place is real snazzy :3