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  1. Venasaur

    Follow Creeper, hes my new account.

    Follow Creeper, hes my new account.
  2. Venasaur

    This account is closed.

    This account is closed.
  3. Venasaur

    Minecraft 1.5 Out.

    Minecraft 1.5 Out.
  4. Venasaur

    Battlefield 3

    This is the FULL gameplay trailer. DICE is being generous with 12 mins of gameplay.
  5. Venasaur

    Epic BOSS BATTLES !!!!

    Watch this please.
  6. Venasaur

    Live Updating MineCraft Screenshots

    Very entertaining to look at.
  7. Venasaur

    Worst Situation Ever.

    I actually did not make this, I just found it. Props though to whoever made it.
  8. Venasaur

    Forza Motorsports 3 car pictures

    Get it, it's a fantastic game. The cars are amazing, and the graphics are really good-looking. Forza Pic:
  9. Venasaur

    LOL WUT!

    Well, I guess hamburgers are never safe anywhere, if that answers your question.
  10. Venasaur

    Image Thread

    Sectionalist anti-littering campaign?
  11. Venasaur

    I have a question

    The Democrats are winning the poll. Its time for.. ...attack advertisements.
  12. Venasaur

    Image Thread

    Sectionalism at its finest.
  13. Venasaur

    Post-Modern USSR Project

    I can see how you have lost enthusiasm. That thing looks like a pain.
  14. Venasaur

    Gamers Heart Japan

    Entertaining! I hope people take time to watch the whole video.
  15. Venasaur

    Funny MineCraft Moments

    ....Ohh!! I get it.
  16. Venasaur

    Future FPS! Not really :(

    Freddie Wong is a genius.