Search results

  1. Marsh653

    Magic the Gathering.... anyone?

    I've come into a sudden case of playing a ton of Magic the Gathering. I was wondering, does anyone in team9000 play Magic? Leave a response if you do, don't, have, want to, etc. play magic. If so do you play standard, extended, etc.? and various other things. I know it's not a video game...
  2. Marsh653

    Did I miss anything?

    Sorry it's been so long. I missed the place quite a bit. Nevertheless, I am back and will try to get back into the swing of team9000's new things. Talk with the new locals, eat the new standard favorites, and play the new fad in games (if I can.) I hope that this time around I'll be more...
  3. Marsh653

    Ethernet cables

    Ok guys so I am in some serious s*** right now with our cable/internet company. I finally got caught with my network bridge trick for my 360 and maybe my handmedown desktop. So i need a good 50 foot cable,actually 2 now, and I remember there being some sites people said were good to get...
  4. Marsh653

    Worth it to change

    So I have been pondering about video games again, particularly which console I should go to. The 360 community is starting to piss me off beyond belief and even a few of my friends on there to... I am mainly wondering, would it be worth it to change over to the pc or PS3? I am noticing that...
  5. Marsh653

    Marching band stuff

    Sorry was just having a moment of "Holy shit It's my senior year next year!" So it came with a marching band remittance and I wanted to share my High School's marching band show with you all from our finals at our second competition. I hope you enjoy and yes I am in fact the big guy in the...
  6. Marsh653

    MMO week/month?

    Yes this is a response to the idea of a horror week from Dr.Sheep. I think it would be kind of neat to see wooty, or the entire team9k group, play some MMOs sometime soon. Mabye even make a event out of it such as just a week of playing MMOs. P.S. If you do decide to do this I'd recommend...
  7. Marsh653

    Gamecube...yes I went there

    Ok ok I know this will probably get bashed beyond belief, but I actually liked the Gamecube. (waits and lets the booing and trash flying to stop.) Alright now that is all out of the way, I mainly liked the games is why. The thing didn't have the best graphics, but it had some really good...
  8. Marsh653

    Keyboard Cat thread

    The place where anyone can get played off LET'S DO THIS :freshprince: feel free to post any other Keyboard Cat playoffs :D
  9. Marsh653

    It's a little late

    Well it's a bit late since I have posted everywhere else, but I thought i'd put up my ohai for this section. so yea OHAI