6th Generation of Pokémon, Pokémon X and Y Announced for 3DS

Dat goofy running animation. :sick:

Eh, I may or may not get this. I'm still not sure if I want to get a 3DS just yet.
On second thought, there is Ocarina of Time 3D, along with rumors floating about a Majora's Mask 3D. Oh and starfox...

Somewhat on topic:
When are they doing the RSE remakes then?
Aside from the fact that I can't stop erring about the flagrant displays of mis-managed Stockholm Syndrome,
And the fact that these starters are the worst ever.

I want this game
Aside from the fact that I can't stop erring about the flagrant displays of mis-managed Stockholm Syndrome,
And the fact that these starters are the worst ever.

I want this game
I don't think the starters are that bad, I like their design better than 5's but I still enjoyed 5 nonetheless.
I have the urge to play through all of my games again. <3 Just to see how much Pokemon has evolved over the years.
I really don't like the design of the grass starter Chespin. I don't know what it's evolutions will look like, but I know I don't like the first stage.
The other two look pretty cool though. It's DEFINITELY to early for me to be shouting "This is gonna be the WORST Pokemon yet" or "This is gonna be the BEST Pokemon yet" because I didn't see a lot of the gameplay or story. Not to mention they didn't show hardly any of the new Pokemon.

However, i will say the battle sequences look AMAZING!!!
Reminds me of Pokemon Stadium, which is a good thing, not to mention that the random encounter animation also looks solid.

I will say that I won't get it either, I don't own a 3DS and I'm not forking over the money to get one. I'll just keep to my Heart Gold and emulators if I need my Pokemon fix. That and I'm still waiting for Pokemon Snap 2 (which may or may not star Frank West).
Maybe now my XL won't sit in my room all the time. I have about 80 hours logged in Ocarina of Time 3D and beaten it on regular 100%, beaten Starfox 64 3D in every possible way, played the hell out of virtual console titles, and Paper Mario Sticker Star is so boring I might end up shooting myself.

The new 3D style looks sorta kinda interesting, but I'm not sure of it yet, and the starters aren't very appealing. I also kind of wish Nintendo / Gamefreak would stop doing the two of the same game at a time thing. There's really no need for it now that the colors are much more vibrant and full then the ones on the Gameboy Color.

I would be happier with a Majoras Mask remake (obviously), but this is nice too.