6th Generation of Pokémon, Pokémon X and Y Announced for 3DS

Maybe now my XL won't sit in my room all the time. I have about 80 hours logged in Ocarina of Time 3D and beaten it on regular 100%, beaten Starfox 64 3D in every possible way, played the hell out of virtual console titles, and Paper Mario Sticker Star is so boring I might end up shooting myself.

The new 3D style looks sorta kinda interesting, but I'm not sure of it yet, and the starters aren't very appealing. I also kind of wish Nintendo / Gamefreak would stop doing the two of the same game at a time thing. There's really no need for it now that the colors are much more vibrant and full then the ones on the Gameboy Color.

I would be happier with a Majoras Mask remake (obviously), but this is nice too.
Having more than one game per generation encourages players to interact with other people in order to catch 'em all. Take that away, and you lose a whole aspect of the franchise.
In my opinion they should have worked on a XD Gales of Darkness sequel for the Wii u to provide increased incentive for a purchase of the console rather than releasing another set of games on an overpriced handheld which received two sequels in the franchise the previous year.
I think they should make a majoras mask remake on the 3ds. I'd love to play it in 3D, would be epic :D
But they want to make money selling the overpriced 3ds. That's what it's all about. Money.
I think they should make a majoras mask remake on the 3ds. I'd love to play it in 3D, would be epic :D
Even after 500 Pokemon, they can still think up new ones. I think they deserve a sticker.
Also the 3DS is $150. That is not a lot in the grand scheme of things. The Gameboy was 90 1989 dollars. By inflation that is: $166.36. So the 3DS is less money than the Gameboy was ,so everyone who owned a Gameboy and now complains about the 3DS price has no base in fact. Good day to you ser!
Also the 3DS is $150. That is not a lot in the grand scheme of things. The Gameboy was 90 dollars in 1989. By inflation that is: $166.36. So the 3DS is less money than the Gameboy was ,so everyone who owned a Gameboy and now complains about the 3DS price has no base in fact. Good day to you ser!

Also, reworded a line to make it easier for people who miss the point to understand. <3 Nothing personal, I just don't want this thread to erupt into a volcano of ignorance.

Back on topic, what did you all expect? Why wouldn't Nintendo make games for a system that is all around superior to its predecessor? Granted, 3D's a gimmick I'm not fond of, but Nintendo is attempting to push the 3DS, so they can get more money to better improve the games we receive. If you all have a problem with Nintendo making money to do so, then you have an issue, as every company ever does this. How do you increase sales? By making something people want. How do you continue to make a profit after everyone has one? Make something even better with the money you received.

Also, reworded a line to make it easier for people who miss the point to understand. <3 Nothing personal, I just don't want this thread to erupt into a volcano of ignorance.

Back on topic, what did you all expect? Why wouldn't Nintendo make games for a system that is all around superior to its predecessor? Granted, 3D's a gimmick I'm not fond of, but Nintendo is attempting to push the 3DS, so they can get more money to better improve the games we receive. If you all have a problem with Nintendo making money to do so, then you have an issue, as every company ever does this. How do you increase sales? By making something people want. How do you continue to make a profit after everyone has one? Make something even better with the money you received.
The touch screen was gimmicky. The DS failed, before Pokemon came to it. Many of us own a DS because Pokemon was on the DS. Now Pokemon is coming the the 3DS, and people are raging. Once again the 3DS is less money than the Gameboy was (also the Gameboy had 8 years before we got a Pokemon game). Now we are getting Pokemon on a system that has a lot of very great games (Ocarina of Time, Tetris Axis, Mario Land 3D, Sonic Generations, and many more). All the bitching against the console makes no sense at all. We had illuminated all of people's anger against the 3DS, and now we can all be excited for the new game! No more hate exists JOY!
The touch screen was gimmicky. The DS failed, before Pokemon came to it. Many of us own a DS because Pokemon was on the DS. Now Pokemon is coming the the 3DS, and people are raging. Once again the 3DS is less money than the Gameboy was (also the Gameboy had 8 years before we got a Pokemon game). Now we are getting Pokemon on a system that has a lot of very great games (Ocarina of Time, Tetris Axis, Mario Land 3D, Sonic Generations, and many more). All the bitching against the console makes no sense at all. We had illuminated all of people's anger against the 3DS, and now we can all be excited for the new game! No more hate exists JOY!

As far as I know, the DS wasn't failing at all, it was a popular handheld before Pokemon came to it.
The original ds didn't sell that we'll because it was a massive hulking piece of junk. The DS lite was what sold me on the platform.
I liked the original DS, though. I preferred the tactile buttons, angular edges, modernistic styling, and the fact that you could use it to smash in possum skulls.

I still have and use my silver, original, DS, even though one of the hinge joints is broken and there's bone marrow in the stylus holster.
I liked the original DS, though. I preferred the tactile buttons, angular edges, modernistic styling, and the fact that you could use it to smash in possum skulls.

I still have and use my silver, original, DS, even though one of the hinge joints is broken and there's bone marrow in the stylus holster.
I bet you liked the original Xbox controller as well...
More thread derailment:

Got kicked 11 times. Last kick 8d17h ago by Sasquatch_Legend

Kick reason: On the first day of Christmas, my true love
> gave to me... 12 Alka-Seltzers, 11 Screaming orgasms, 10
> Whiskey fireballs, 9 imported champagnes, 8 margaritas, 7
> dry martinis, 6 Bloody Maries, 5 Cuervo Gold!!!... 4 gin and
> tonics, 3 scotch and sodas. 2 pints of Guinness, and a glass
> of Long Island Iced Tea. Happy New Years' you drunken idiot.

Got kicked 10 times. Last kick 2d18h ago by Camevil

Kick reason: Hoe Hoe Hoe. Go home santa, you're drunk.

(The new years one was actually legitimate. ._.)

Totally getting Pokemon X though, always get the one with the higher letter in the alphabet, Red and Yellow were the only exceptions.
I'm sorry, but I absolutely hate the new graphics style. Nintendo, with 3D, you either go the full turkey or you keep it 2D.
Ermahgerd Pokemon eeeeeexxxxxxxxxx and wwwwwhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy

What's that? Chiba is gunna cast a marathon playthrough of Gen 1, 2 and 3?

Sounds good.
