._. School...

Hey guys...
School is starting tomorrow for me, and I was informed that 8th grade was when stuff matters, so I made this thread in advance so you guys know...

I won't be online much (except weekends. I take full advantage of them)
But when I'm not doing homework/studying/going to karate i will try to be gaming.

Welp, see ya. ;(
Wait, hasn't stuff always been matter?

Anyway, I hope your not too tied up in study to hang about a bit during the week too. I'm never here on the weekends :s
Ypu have no excuse, Shadow. I've had school for a while. I'm in school writing this.

So shape up. And Year 8 doesn't matter. Trust me.
Ypu have no excuse, Shadow. I've had school for a while. I'm in school writing this.

So shape up. And Year 8 doesn't matter. Trust me.
Not true- I was informed today that this year, i start getting high-school credit.
Guys, in my area, heres how it works
Elementary- Kindergarten, 1-5