._. School...

Nop, Year 9 and 10 followed by 11 and 12 and really matter the most over here so we can get a school certificate/etc, Its a Australian thing, K?

Well, I'm in Year 9 now. Clearly I'm doing well :rofl:

Trust me - Year 7 and 8 are the biggest jokes.
I have seen some people lose scholarships because of shitty high school grades. You have another year before you need to start getting serious. Try and learn the material instead of cramming for tests and forgetting it all afterward.

Not everyone is a super genius like Malinax.
I have seen some people lose scholarships because of shitty high school grades. You have another year before you need to start getting serious. Try and learn the material instead of cramming for tests and forgetting it all afterward.

Not everyone is a super genius like Malinax.
Well their problem is that they managed to get shitty high school grades, it's not hard to bs a good grade in high school.
lol. Ok. Then why does my spanish teacher say that if we get an A this year, we get put in honors spanish? I am really overwhelmed atm. Homework on the first day?! WTFISTHISSHIT?!
I slept through most of high school and I will tell you what really matters. This is the most important lesson that you could use and it will apply for the rest if your life. People don't care what you know, as long as you sound like you know it. Don't worry about actually learning stuff, learn how to bs because that is the best way to get any where. Even if you actually know your stuff, you can get so much further with it by bsing. I am not condoning cheating, simply use your time wisely and learn that its not quite what you know, but how you present what you know.
I agree with what Casey says, but would like to add that you should learn how to critically think and problem solve above all else. That's really what you should be learning in school, not memorizing random crap in history, or learning spanish you probably wont ever use again -_-
I have worked with a bunch of people with no problem solving and life skills. Don't be one of those people
I slept through most of high school and I will tell you what really matters. This is the most important lesson that you could use and it will apply for the rest if your life. People don't care what you know, as long as you sound like you know it. Don't worry about actually learning stuff, learn how to bs because that is the best way to get any where. Even if you actually know your stuff, you can get so much further with it by bsing. I am not condoning cheating, simply use your time wisely and learn that its not quite what you know, but how you present what you know.

Exactly. I get pretty good grades, but what a lot of my grades come from is the fact I can creatively bullshit and sound like I know what's going on (most of the time I do, but if I don't I wing it and come up with hypothetical, quasi-intelligent crap).

It is important to do your homework and all that shit. Cramming never works. Study hard, and study heaps. And A's are easy.

And why learn Spanish when you can learn Japanese? 日本語はすごいです!
Vorsprung said:
Exactly. I get pretty good grades, but what a lot of my grades come from is the fact I can creatively bullshit and sound like I know what's going on (most of the time I do, but if I don't I wing it and come up with hypothetical, quasi-intelligent crap).

It is important to do your homework and all that shit. Cramming never works. Study hard, and study heaps. And A's are easy.

And why learn Spanish when you can learn Japanese? 日本語はすごいです!

I can't. It's spanish or french
Meh, 8th grade is kinda important. Trust me, it gets harder in your freshman year :c
Yup. Its pretty odd here in GA.

Well, what about college? I want to get into a decent college and get a nice job....

Eighth grade may well be important to 9th grade, but in the whole scheme of things, it's certainly not a show stopper. If you want my advice at getting a nice job, here is the fool-proof plan:

1. Take computer science classes -- as many as your school offers
2. Learn Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript (in that order of importance)
3. Go to college for computer science, and make at least a 3.0 GPA
4. Make sure you continue to learn about new technologies -- you won't be in the job market for at least nine years, and a lot can change in that time.

I know a lot of people just exiting college, and those without Computer Science degrees are struggling to find work. Those who graduated in Computer Science received internships during and immediately after school, and are usually offered full time jobs basically instantly.

Computer science is the only continuously, constantly expanding industry, and there is always room for growth. If you go to school for art, theater, architecture, finance, law, or anything else, prepare for a long job hunt.

*disclaimer* Make sure you like what you do. That's important.