Are we free?


Active Member

What is freedom? Is humanity truly free? Do we have a free will? What limits or binds us?

What is freedom? Is humanity truly free? Do we have a free will? What limits or binds us?

In my opinion, i feel like "freedom" or "free will" as some would put it is based on perspective, and one's religion. What one percieves as free will another might believe is completely wrong. Furthermore, i also feel as though "freedom/free will" is also a matter of one's culture and upbringing. for instance, if oe is raised in a communistic society, that is all they know; they wouldn't "understand" the concept of free will, if you understand my reasoning; and the vise versa is true.
In my opinion, i feel like "freedom" or "free will" as some would put it is based on perspective, and one's religion. What one percieves as free will another might believe is completely wrong. Furthermore, i also feel as though "freedom/free will" is also a matter of one's culture and upbringing. for instance, if oe is raised in a communistic society, that is all they know; they wouldn't "understand" the concept of free will, if you understand my reasoning; and the vise versa is true.
Do you think true free will can be taken away?
Do you think true free will can be taken away?

I'll be honest; i don't know for sure, but, i can say this: i feel like free will is a concept created by our minds to give us a sense of security and individuality in life; without it, we'd lack the one quality that makes us different from machines of any type: individuality/uniqueness
I'll be honest; i don't know for sure, but, i can say this: i feel like free will is a concept created by our minds to give us a sense of security and individuality in life; without it, we'd lack the one quality that makes us different from machines of any type: individuality/uniqueness
I see.

Personally, I don't think free will could be taken away (except in extreme cases like those mind control experiments) because regardless of what your circumstances are, you still have a choice of what to do. I agree it does give people a sense of security.

Why do you think humanity endlessly strives for more freedom?

Also, do you think people could also feel secure without a free will or would the feeling of security not exist in this mental state?
I see.

Personally, I don't think free will could be taken away (except in extreme cases like those mind control experiments) because regardless of what your circumstances are, you still have a choice of what to do. I agree it does give people a sense of security.

Why do you think humanity endlessly strives for more freedom?

Also, do you think people could also feel secure without a free will or would the feeling of security not exist in this mental state?

I feel like humanity strives for more freedom because of the part of our nature that makes us want more/better than what others have. As for feeling secure without free will? i believe a term for this is called "fate" :3
I believe humans are blessed with the ability to become free since there are no entities that I can name that contain us. Governments can not contain us. We can leave if we want.
The answer is common sense. Are we free? Yes. We aren't restricted from things as long as it isn't intruding another person's freedom.
Also, do you think people could also feel secure without a free will or would the feeling of security not exist in this mental state?

I think of a 'lack of free will' like the mind of an ant.
The ant never feels secure or insecure. The ant does what is necessary for the survival of the colony, regardless of the ant's needs or safety.
There could be many shades of 'free' between Human and Ant.

Humans are free to make their own decisions, usually bound only by the limits of their own minds. In some unfortunate cases, humans are bound by their circumstances. (Poverty, Discrimination, War, etc...)

The question, for me, is this: Where do unique ideas come from? What makes me create a question or a thought?...
What is consciousness?

The question is not easy. Are we 'programmed' via evolution to behave this way? Do we have an organ that creates a source of free will? If so, is it free if it is controlled by a mechanical/electrical organ?

I won't elaborate on how I believe these organs to produce free will, but I am glad you opened up this thread.
- the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

We aren't, too many things we have to do otherwise we die, get punished, feel bad and many other negative things.
I suggest starting the secret project The Ascent to Transcendence which will take 100 turns :3
Financially free? No. That's why I started Stock Market Shenanigans so we can get mad rich through passive income.

All this philosophical bullmist is totally unnecessary. But we've come a long way from old timey slavery.
We bind and restrict ourselves, whether consciously or unconsciously, in order to promote a brighter future for human kind.
We are only as free as the certain set of government rules allow as to be, those who try to breach them get taken away, simple as that...
So truly there is hardly any freedom left in this world.
Then again, if you're talking about the human being as an individual, you have the freedom to do anything you want, the only limitation is your body, but then comes in my 1st point...
We are only as free as the certain set of government rules allow as to be, those who try to breach them get taken away, simple as that...
So truly there is hardly any freedom left in this world.
Then again, if you're talking about the human being as an individual, you have the freedom to do anything you want, the only limitation is your body, but then comes in my 1st point...
How restrictive or nonrestrictive should a government be, in your opinion?
How restrictive or nonrestrictive should a government be, in your opinion?
that's a pretty tricky question as the society consists of a huge amounts of different mindsets and personalities considering which the rules has been set, if only consisted of people with a mindset of my own, the governments could be much more less restrictive, which is of course what it should be in my opinion..... but then again it's my opinion and if it was set, there would be chaos....
if you want a more straight forward answer, I'd dream of a government less concerned about invading my privacy and personal space and about making the world fair for the "big bucks" and more concerned about the middle/lower class (where I've come from) as these are the people it is structured upon.... or something like that...
fuck that was complicated :D but i hope i got my though across...
The term you bring up as free is abstract and in many ways is elusive to the imagination. As fascinating as it may sound, freedom can range from different aspects including religion, government, culture, and even individuality alone. What do you set your mind as? Do you "free" yourself from your character or personal demons? From my viewpoint, to question freedom is to wrap around the idea that it is a universal concept. However, far from it. Honestly, I cannot give you a solid answer without questioning further. In fact, what defines freedom in one aspect?