Battlefield 3 beta


Well-Known Member
If you are lucky/awesome enough that you pre-ordered the limited edition of Battlefield 3 or MoH, you have acces to the beta since 06:00 GMT!

I've already played it for a while and it looks very awesome.
Some key features, and some smaller stuff which you'll notice are right here:

- MoH type of attachent system for your guns. Three slots: barrel, scope and rail (noobtube, tripod etc.)
- 4 classes, support, assault, engineer, recon.
- ribons and medals.
- Portable spawm points for squads.
- Awesome jumping annimation.
- three stances (stand, crouch and prone)
- one attribute for your class (for example, faster sprinting)
- dogtags :D
- you can see your feat. No more weird floatyness.

So far there's only one map, and one gamemode. Its awesome anyway though.
I JUST GOT MAI INVITE!!! because i bought MoH3