Battlefield 3 server

I'm talking to you for the next 10 minutes....
rsmv2you said:
I have a test for you to see if you deserve such money.
Which one looks more appealing?

The one on the right since it isn't a Mac. (yes I can tell by the keyboard/mouse)
what i meant by that was that not everyone can have a PC like that but that Casey isn't the only one heh, it's quite common.
Neither. Both are pieces of crap. Anyone who uses either must have some way of standing the problem of it being the slowest, crappiest computer ever.

But still.. the one with all the cables all over the place DOES look ten times more appealing than the Mac. At least I get windows and mad respect from everyone at T9k.

It's as easy as choosing between diet coke and regular coke. amirite?
How is your computer running with only that?

I custom attacked 3 extra fans, 1.7 gb ram, and a ok processor (came with the computer). It can handle well coded games
like cod4 mw 1, but world at war it completely lagged at lowest settings. Unreal 3 completely lags as well. Anything new I don't
even want to attempt. Minecraft is super smooth though, apparenltly my processor is good for it.