Battlefield 3

Word of advice:
Don't play the campaign if you have it for Xbox, server crashed and it corrupted my save game. kept all my unlocked weapons for multiplayer but i have to redo the entire campaign again from scratch, i had only 2 missions to go... on hard... and i really am not looking forward to doing Operation: Guillotine again...
Thee_pro, what system do you have it for cause whenever I join a game with friends in it not only does it put me on their team, but if the squad has any open dots out puts me in their squad. Have yet to have an issue with it.
Us 360 owners should get together sometime and play online in a squad.
My gamertag is Moondoggy23. Feel free to add me.
Just bought it.
Are you also able to DL it, or did buying it take up your bandwidth? :biggrin:

Also, I'm home all day today, so for the most part, I'll be on XBL playing BF3. I'll most likely be getting on in about an hour, I've got to eat breakfast, first.
Make sure you join the platoon, especially since I will be making a Team9000 server on Monday.