Battlefield 3

It's weird how easily framerate and ping swing back and forth from perfect to absolute shit. I got on a server with some smooth action and got 6 kills in my first life, as soon as we enter the subway hello lagtown
Probably because of how the lighting works in the underground sections...lots of shifts between semi-darkness and super-saturation, modelling that must be REALLY seems a bit counter-intuitive, you'd think that the smaller the area the easier it is to render, but there's so much detail and action packed into those small spaces that I think it's actually much more of a drag on a system than the open-ended areas.

I drop about 5 frames when I get underground too, but it's a very minor annoyance, one that will probably be fixed once they've had a chance to respond to all the QA they're getting from the beta...I mean, goddamn it, they NEED to fix this stuff fast.
The fact whether they fix this stuff or not will decide if I will buy this game at all.
Best moment
Side: Attack
Class: Assault
Duration: 3rd Part of RUSH
Squad is attacking, im healing and reviving, see some guys lay down fire, before i knew it i was down to my last mag swapping to burst fire, finishing it with a kill, swapped to pistol even more, ended up running out of ammo, so much carnage.
Objective went off without a hitch.
However even thought its almost unplayable for me. The ONLY WAY to do is good is use tactics. Rushing blindly into the enemy's base thinking you can kill them all with 1 clip is not how it works now. You have to actually take cover and plan out where your gonna go once you spawn and actually PLAY THE OBJECTIVE which I love in a game. :D
Best moment:

Defending the metro MCOM A, stage 1 ( the bathroom one)
I'm sitting on a sink and I'm the only one defending A as everyone rushed over to defuse B
8 attackers at once enter the room and take positions to hold the bathroom while 1 guy plants (I have no idea how they don't see me sitting in the open)
I have no ammo in my M416 w/ HOLO, grip, and silencer so I'm forced to whip out my M9 Tactical
I immediately lay 2 bullets into the planter's head and he goes down, I whip my view over to the right and clock the guy sitting in the stall, go right even further and get the guy by the door, back over to the left to the guy hiding behind the stalls near the MCOM, 2 more guys rush over to plant the charge and I swiftly open up and drain my clip on them, now I need to reload and I'm sure I'm as good as dead, but luck was on my side. They were all blinded by my tactical flashlight so nobody even knew I was there through it all, I swiftly rape the remaining 2 attackers and then my teammates show up to help defend an empty room. I never once changed locations through the situation, I remained on the sink the Entire time.

Platform: Xbox 360
My best moment:

We were the attackers and we were attacking B on the fourth set of bombs (the second to last set at the exit of the metro station). My teammates were pushing up through the locker rooms and we only had about 11 reinforcement tickets left, and then the entire squad is DESTROYED by RPGs and grenades. I immediately drop prone and bipod out with my M249 SAW. Then there must have been like 4 people who charged straight at me and I gunned down each one of them while just wildly spraying my 200 bullets of extended mags. I run and pick up an assault's kit since the support class is absolutely terrible for planting bombs. I move up and set the charge at B and throw a med kit down behind the bomb and lay prone on top of it. I then proceeded to take out another two people with the AK-74m I picked up and the M-COM was destroyed. My team had about 3 reinforcement tickets left.

Unfortunately my team was a big bunch of retards, and we failed to take out the last set of bombs, and I finished the match 30-4 with about 4500 points.

I did this on the PS3.
However even thought its almost unplayable for me. The ONLY WAY to do is good is use tactics. Rushing blindly into the enemy's base thinking you can kill them all with 1 clip is not how it works now. You have to actually take cover and plan out where your gonna go once you spawn and actually PLAY THE OBJECTIVE which I love in a game. :D
Well we were next to the mcom station making sure it went off, i guess i forgot that part.
Oh and the Beta is not the latest version, as it would take a lot longer to get the working version approved by microsoft and sony. Here are the changes from Beta to the latest release version:

A selection of changes from BETA to FINAL part 1

By: zh1nt0 Posted: 2 days ago 1952 Comments
The amounts of people flocking to our Open Beta is fantastic! We are happy to see so many players enjoy this Open Beta, and giving us their valuable feedback on the experience on the Battlelog forums.

This blog post is the first in a series of posts that will outline some of the changes we are making in the final game thanks to your feedback and participation in the Open Beta.


(Not a complete list – for up to date news, visit the News section in Battlelog)
* Fixed occasional client crash when reviving.
* Fixed killcam showing glitched area under map if your killer is dead.
* Issue with spawning on dead squad mates fixed.
* Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage.
* Crosshairs for shotguns have been replaced with a new, thinner, art.
* A subtle low health screen effect has been added.
* Tweaked scores of Medals and Service Stars.
* Tweaked the Rank progression.
* Pushing prone on console will not play the animation twice.
* Fixed loss of Squad Leader after EOR at some times.
* Framerate stability fixes.
* The 3D spotting icons has been tweaked to better match the target’s visibility. Icons will show frequently less on mostly obscured targets.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after round transition.
* Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after trying to deploy while the countdown timer still active.
* Squad list now shows specializations chosen, VOIP activity and dead squad mates.
* Non working options in squad menu fixed: "Private" flag and "Switch Teams".
Ahh lowest moment on XBL....Godlib is playing BF3 Beta and this guy comes over the mic.....Advertising...Well recruiting....for people to join his "Battlefeild Military Simulation Team" He's announcing it every 5 seconds in a very "tour-guidey" voice...