Battlefield 3

They also showed PS3 Co-op footage on stream so I'll post that too after i find a copy posted on YT.
We will have to see how many peoples computers can actually run it, im sure the specs will be high...

EDIT: i nerded all over the floor after seeing that trailer
We will need a team9000 battlefield 3 server. Possibilities woot, or to early too tell?

*sigh* I'm getting it for the 360, since my PC wouldn't possibly be able to handle this game. Any other console gamers out there want to form a T9K BF3 360 clan?
New video and info dump:
To unlock all the unlockables for ONE class out of four you need around 100 hours of play.
Some of the perks you will unlock will eventually have a "squad" effect, as in by having this perk you share it with your fellow squadmates.
Sniper rifles are nerfed to the BF2 damage model.
The game is launched through a webpage that is called the Battlelog. It contains the server browser and the singleplayer/coop launchers. There will not be any intermediate menu's between the browser and the game map's loading screen. When you exit the map you exit the game into the battlelog webpage(alternatively you can Alt-Tab to your browser page).
The Beta date is still not announced, besides the fact that it's in september.
I can tell you first hand from being an alpha tester, you will all love this game. Going to leave it at that since I'm not sure if the NDA is still in affect up until the beta goes live. But the game IS as epic as it looks.
Well, as I see it the NDA stated that you can let the public know 2 things and 2 things only. 1. There is an official alpha test. 2. You are a part of the official alpha test.

So I'm not sure if its still applied but I might post more info when I get home, I might.