BF3 Get together

Ok, so its between the 19th and 26th (both saturdays) and we will chose which ever one well have the best turn out. I will announce the date this monday, so try and get the word around.
Alright lets get this back on topic, I need to know who is available and for which dates
Point of order: The 26th is the Saturday after Thanksgiving (in America), which may inhibit the ability of a number of players from joining up.
so.. with 1 560, what settings would i be able to play on? and what about for if i get 2 of them in sli?
Kingjoker, please continue that conversation in a separate thread or private message. I am not trying to be a douche, but we are on a time crunch and we all know how easily threads are derailed. Sorry.

p.s. If you got two, you would most likely be able to run the game on its highest settings :)
lol sorry.. without those though, i wont be able to play with you guys.. so it is in a way related.. but on another note, i already have a thread for that.. people just dont get as interested as a bf3 thread lol
So we need to get on and actually use the server I got set up, that way it can fill up. Best way to do that is to get everyone on at once and play. I only have Thursdays off, so I was thinking either the 16th or 23rd, which are Wednesdays (because of the hour difference) I figure if we cant do that, we can at least get everyone on on a weekend and do like a BF3 marathon. again, if we get the server full and keep it full, it would be great for Team9000 AND I might be inclined to get a bigger one. So post up dates that you could play and we will all decide on a time we can play. I am thinking like a four hour marathon on Saturday night. Let me know, we can always extend it out to a later date. Also, if it gets full enough, we can start tournaments and even battle other platoons. I need feedback for this to work though, let me hear what you got.
Is this for computer or Xbox?
Just a question.. when i looked up platoons, for some reason i typed Team 9000.. I recognized no one.. then i looked up Team9000 and found both our pc and xbox platoons.. would simply like to know who the hell made a fake team9000? :o
kingjok3r said:
Just a question.. when i looked up platoons, for some reason i typed Team 9000.. I recognized no one.. then i looked up Team9000 and found both our pc and xbox platoons.. would simply like to know who the hell made a fake team9000? :o

Aliens... I knew they existed! :O
Just a question.. when i looked up platoons, for some reason i typed Team 9000.. I recognized no one.. then i looked up Team9000 and found both our pc and xbox platoons.. would simply like to know who the hell made a fake team9000? :o
It's safe to say that team 9000 can be thought up by anyone, because of the over 9000 meme..