BF3 Get together

Okay, for the PC owners out there, the marathon will be Nov 26th from 7pm to 10pm eastern time. If you have any issues, let me know, but I am hoping everyone will be so full from eating thanksgiving food stuffs that they won't want to get up and do anything other than play BF3. If enough people claim this will be a problem date, then we can change it, but we need a solid date or it will just keep getting moved around. I will be scheduling this on steam and making an announcement on the platoon page so everyone is aware of this. Please reply somewhere to let us know if you can or can not make it. Thanks.
again, we can change the hours if need be. Lets see what others say first though :)
nono, it's fine for me, just wouldn't be able to join the voice chat.
I'm at GTM +1, so I guess any time fine for me would be too early for you or too late XD, I prefer being awake at night anyway (00:54 am at the moment :geek: )
Works for me Casey. If anything, i will let you know ahead of time. Worst case I'm a few minutes late. :D
Worst case is worst :(
The GPU I'm getting will be ripping 700$ out of my pocket, so I might not get it till next week.. (the week after the 26)
well, we had some fun.. at some point it was 2 vs 6, i totally got pwned then.. other team hijacked our tank and bombarded me and my only team mate. they also spawn camped us. then well it went quiet cause casey wasnt there to reset the round cause it was stuck there, so i and (ollee?) went off to play elsewhere and i had a blast, even if i always died :D

edit: oh, and i also crashed planes and helis like 20 times.. lots mroe happened, but you had to be there :P
(like when i crashed a heli and rsmv was there)
Make one Game night where its not past midnight European time please. i find it less fun when Im tired.
Too bad my parents interrupted me before I could join the fun : (
I hope I can join the next time.
Do you guys want to try one on the 10th or 17th of dec? Or would you prefer to wait until after the holidays? I will be back shortly after the holidays (hopefully) and I want to throw some kind of contest then. However, I see no reason not to have another game night or two before then
The server was actually getting somewhat populated but then it crashed for me and i wasn't able to get back on. Probably just coz of how iw as saying i have almost no problems with the game >:(
I need actual confirmations for the game nights this time. Let me know if you guys can OR can not make either of those dates. Thats all I ask. This way I can choose the most popular or hell, even both and we can actually get a solid turn out this time.
I'll most likely get on on both days, but lets make it a bit earlier for those who live like in Europe or Australia
I'll most likely get on on both days, but lets make it a bit earlier for those who live like in Europe or Australia

Why not just make it an all day affair? Granted, there will be lulls when people will be on, but that would ensure everyone would have a chance to play on the server, and if people want to get together at a time that's more favorable to them, let them figure it out amongst themselves.
Well, the issue is that we need at least for people, so if we do an all day thing I doubt we will be able to get enough at any given time for everyone to play