Can someone remove or do so i isent a member anymore?

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Hey Madcart, apparently you never met the other side of T9K, why leave if you don't even know anyone outside of minecraft? Most of us spend 95% of the time out of Classic. Get on mumble and talk to us.

why i have school to think about to so i isent on so much at all the summer is over
if they're private, why start a huge deal about it in public?

Either report to take care of it, or if you REALLY can't tell anyone about it...well...don't tell anyone about it :confused:

did i make up a big deal here? no i did just ask if someone can remove me and say good bye! thats all i said!! complain you but you must know first what you are complaining ON!!
yes and? that is still not what you complaining on do you? THIS THREAD!! was for say good bye to all, those thats dosent care dont need to argue IT!! and this is even if someone thats is "admin" or "editor" or whatever if they can ban or remove peeps from here so did i saiy do it to ME! how often do you self talk about your private stuff exemple school/army life or when you is in Afganistan?!? i dont think you whould think first befor action! i did and now i did this thread to be nice and say bye to all thats want a good bye from ME! as i said " IF YOU DONT CARE DONT ARGUE IT!!" and its sounds like you dont care sooo.... DONT ARGUE IT!! all think it is about something else but its very few thats said bye to me, Vor is one of them and its mayby 2 more everyone else dident so why did i answer you? anwser: FOR BEING NICE! dont like this thread? then i have 2 rules!! DONT WATCH IT AND DONT ARGUE THINGS IN IT!! just say bye i'll anwser one time and leaving did everyone get it now? this isent for a contest or something!! i hopp more then Vor and those other 2 know what "BYE" means.
Woah now... some people need to keep their pants on in here. Sorry to see you go madcart (if you are actually leaving). It seems there's a bit of a language barrier, if that's a problem, just keep your cool -- nobody's out to get you :)

cool as ace is very coold :cool:
Update your status...
Maybe it has something to do with saying I don't understand something simply because of my gender, I don't know.

and? i is never with others i am allways self in a corner somewhere never with other peeple no one otherstand and wont do it ether, can you real think you self in a black corner nearly killed when you was 7 years old by a older person and never talk to thers then animals? i dont think you can but if you can say me then how whould that feal huh?
and? i is never with others i am allways self in a corner somewhere never with other peeple no one otherstand and wont do it ether, can you real think you self in a black corner nearly killed when you was 7 years old by a older person and never talk to thers then animals? i dont think you can but if you can say me then how whould that feal huh?
You're right, I don't know. but I'm not sure what that has to do with my gender.

I'm apologize for going off on you like that in return, however.
You're right, I don't know. but I'm not sure what that has to do with my gender.

I'm apologize for going off on you like that in return, however.

sorry then but it have been like this in 8 years now that is really long time, and when i think girls so is it: they is allways with someone do much more then me everything i do is being in a corner, now you mayby understand what i mean i am 14 and 8 years on my self in my room i not even outside my room home if i really dont need to so answer if you get it
sorry then but it have been like this in 8 years now that is really long time, and when i think girls so is it: they is allways with someone do much more then me everything i do is being in a corner, now you mayby understand what i mean i am 14 and 8 years on my self in my room i not even outside my room home if i really dont need to so answer if you get it
I don't really do much or go anywhere either.
Madcart, it was nice knowing you. You were a cool dude and I'm sorry you feel you have to go. I am also sorry you ran into so many people with the inability to understand. If you do stay with Team9000 then I'm sure you'll see we aren't all bad. If you don't stay, well at least pop on every now and then and say hi, you will be missed.
I don't really do much or go anywhere either.

and it can be about your age not that i call you old or anything :unsure: but its sometimes about a age i know it isent something i whould know ... wait there i have your private thing and that you never should ask ... and i wont ask ether
Madcart, it was nice knowing you. You were a cool dude and I'm sorry you feel you have to go. I am also sorry you ran into so many people with the inability to understand. If you do stay with Team9000 then I'm sure you'll see we aren't all bad. If you don't stay, well at least pop on every now and then and say hi, you will be missed.

i know all isent bad but it is a line that peeple should not go over @_o
..We should end this madness and remove his account (and this thread for that matter) if that is his final wish..

Cya madcart!
Well, cya Madcart. Have fun wherever it is you go. Why should we delete your profile though? Just let it become inactive, like the thousands of others who have left T9K.
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