I want a new keyboard, this has made me smash a few.

But for reals, I should be getting a whole new computer. Plus some other crap.
I don't get presents anymore. Instead I get to spend hundreds of dollars on everyone else I know.

Yeah I am old...
If I get to go skiing during the break I'll be excitied, otherwise, hurray for school.
I'm always having to be like "hurray for school." Every year, we get so many different weather reports that predict mass amounts of snow, and everyone is happy, but it never snows. Just rains, all year 'round.
I'm always having to be like "hurray for school." Every year, we get so many different weather reports that predict mass amounts of snow, and everyone is happy, but it never snows. Just rains, all year 'round.

:( what state is this?
nice, one day I'm coming back to oregon to visit my incredible field of happiness
here it is
View attachment 72389

I haven't forgotten you tranquil field of good feelings <3
Yes, so much of the state is like this. The Christmas tree farms, the wide, rolling fields and hills. Also, this looks like a spring harvest. They usually cut down the trees, but any ones that are too little they leave. The rest of the ground if also usually covered in marks from dragging the tree, and the stumps.
Yes, so much of the state is like this. The Christmas tree farms, the wide, rolling fields and hills. Also, this looks like a spring harvest. They usually cut down the trees, but any ones that are too little they leave. The rest of the ground if also usually covered in marks from dragging the tree, and the stumps.

Wow a harvest? It was a bit emtpy when I was there, also the ground was super soft my feet would leave imprints, it felt awesome.
Wow a harvest? It was a bit emtpy when I was there, also the ground was super soft my feet would leave imprints, it left awesome.
Yes, this was likely during the period where they let the soil fill itself up with nutrients. They rotate through fields because if they use the same one every year, it would become infertile.

Wow a harvest? It was a bit emtpy when I was there, also the ground was super soft my feet would leave imprints, it left awesome.
Yup, that sounds like Oregon. If you ever return, another great place to go is Silver Falls, an amazing hike where you can walk behind waterfalls, and on the way in, you drive past a shitload of tree farms :p
nice, one day I'm coming back to oregon to visit my incredible field of happiness
here it is
View attachment 72389

I haven't forgotten you tranquil field of good feelings <3
Hmm... That seems suspiciously like a mediocre field in Australia.

Australia! Where the countryside is beautiful, and the horses are commonplace.
'Cept better!
I remember the flight from Brisbane to Perth, wondering if I'd ever get a chance to see a kangaroo, and then in the first five minutes of going into the countryside, I saw kangaroos, the first of many, many more to come :D
I remember the flight from Brisbane to Perth, wondering if I'd ever get a chance to see a kangaroo, and then in the first five minutes of going into the countryside, I saw kangaroos, the first of many, many more to come :D
Kangaroos are everywhere, man. Seriously.

Tasty, too.
Kangaroos are everywhere, man. Seriously.

Tasty, too.
Oh, man, they're good. My first taste was at a fun canoeing trip, where I also got to eat emu (eem-yoo). My pupils dilated, and I've been experiencing withdrawal syndromes for the past three and a half years.
Oh, man, they're good. My first taste was at a fun canoeing trip, where I also got to eat emu (eem-yoo). My pupils dilated, and I've been experiencing withdrawal syndromes for the past three and a half years.
lol. my dad has been and said kangaroo did taste quite scrumptias
I'm always having to be like "hurray for school." Every year, we get so many different weather reports that predict mass amounts of snow, and everyone is happy, but it never snows. Just rains, all year 'round.
hahaha oh ya! This happens every year. The only real time we got a lot of snow was back in 2008 when we got a whole week off