Coffee Or Tea?


Well-Known Member


What type of person are you? Which do you choose when the air stewardess asks you this question? Coffee or tea? How do you like them? With sugar, cream or without?

Bring on the hate!

But really I have tried many variations of both and didn't fancy any variation of both of them.
Dude, I drink a shitload of tea
I have been drinking tea all my life
I drink tea like a fiend
I drink all types of tea
I drink all flavours of tea
I account for 20% of the GDP for Sri Lanka due to my tea habits
My teeth require gallons of Listerine because of tea
My tastebuds are numbed because of my tea passion
My blood is made of semen and tea
I have exceptional tea pouring skills
I make a lot of tea
I make litres of tea
Every morning I get up and make tea
Every afternoon I make tea
Every evening I make tea
I make tea sometimes five times a day
I pour tea in my coffee to make it more like tea
With every measure of certainty I can say I have made and drunk tea for over 3,000 days
I average four cups of tea a day
I hurt cows because of all the milk I need
I buy my tea by the kilo
I drink my tea by the litre
I have gone through seven kettles
I have gone through twenty Ikea mugs
I have gone through two hundred teabags
I have gone through three ranges
I have walked five hundred miles
And I will walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
Dude, I drink a shitload of tea
I have been drinking tea all my life
I drink tea like a fiend
I drink all types of tea
I drink all flavours of tea
I account for 20% of the GDP for Sri Lanka due to my tea habits
My teeth require gallons of Listerine because of tea
My tastebuds are numbed because of my tea passion
My blood is made of semen and tea
I have exceptional tea pouring skills
I make a lot of tea
I make litres of tea
Every morning I get up and make tea
Every afternoon I make tea
Every evening I make tea
I make tea sometimes five times a day
I pour tea in my coffee to make it more like tea
With every measure of certainty I can say I have made and drunk tea for over 3,000 days
I average four cups of tea a day
I hurt cows because of all the milk I need
I buy my tea by the kilo
I drink my tea by the litre
I have gone through seven kettles
I have gone through twenty Ikea mugs
I have gone through two hundred teabags
I have gone through three ranges
I have walked five hundred miles
And I will walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
*nods head*
I like you.
Sounds delicious, I'll have to try that one.

Any particular brand you'd recommend? Or do you not bag and use an infuser?
I do not bag.
I only strain.
I save my bag for only the holiest of things
Beese is my holy English Breakfast and I fear his udders

Also, buy anything Sri Lankan, 'cos it's good.
<3 tea
<3 coffee

Both have their moments, but I'll usually go for tea. Coffee, for me, is only really needed right around exams (aka this week), while tea is a better drink for pretty much all other occasions.