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Contest 022: Pineapples

Team9000 gaming, where everyone is on the team! Even your raging asian roomate.

Theoretical points are so boss.
#1 Team9000, If your not looking for minecraft get out
#2 Team9000, We have minecraft, and other stuff
#3 Team9000, Wbot wants you dead if not a friend
#4 Team9000, Any message about minecraft ban appeals, promotions, or other things should not be the most recent posts
#5 Karma here will personaly hurt you
#6 Tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again with a pinapple
#7 Ill think of one later
#8 I should be sleeping
#9 Sleep deprivision is common
#10 spelling does not count
#11 dont try hard
#12 too late
#13 dont sign up just for contests and minecraft
Shooting pineapples, Killing pineapples, Racing pineapples, Playing fake pineapples, Broadcast pineapples, Pineapple, Three Pineapples, Pineapple station 3, Pineapple Treeeeeeeeee!

Shooting pineapples, Killing pineapples, Racing pineapples, Playing fake pineapples, Broadcast pineapples, Pineapple, Three Pineapples, Pineapple station 3, Pineapple Treeeeeeeeee!

Team9000 Pineapples whoaaa
Team9000 Pineapples whoaaa
Team9000 Pineapples whoaaa
Team9000 Pineapples....

Let's Go!

Shooting pineapples, Killing pineapples, Racing pineapples, Playing fake pineapples, Broadcast pineapples, Pineapple, Three Pineapples, Pineapple station 3, Pineapple Treeeeeeeeee!

Shooting pineapples, Killing pineapples, Racing pineapples, Playing fake pineapples, Broadcast pineapples, Pineapple, Three Pineapples, Pineapple station 3, Pineapple Treeeeeeeeee!

You need to eat t9k pineapples apples apples,
We put it up on Pineapple dot Tveee Vee vee
World of Pineapple, pineappleband too, Pineapple nuke'm, Pine and apple doom!

We broadcast from Pine to Apples.

Team9000 Pineapples whoaaa
Team9000 Pineapples whoaaa

You've lost Pineapples!
#peelout a_great_whopping_pinapple

"Tofurkey climbs into a great whopping pineapple and peels out with skidmarks" :D
(comming back just to say this slogan. i dont care if this is counted as my real entry. i like both of them :P)

Team 9000
Where getting your delicious sloppy pineapple seconds are not looked down on.
Team9000: Where your gaming can go from cute to gory in under a second.

note: Team9000 has a high valuing for pineapples. They are worth their weight in gold here.