Contest Ideas


Well-Known Member
So, I have a few contests in mind, as I want to start up contests on a monthly basis again. However, I want to plan them out and get the next three or four contests at the very least planned out. I am looking for ideas, and so post away! I want to have them started in time for the beginning of next year.
it needs to be something a lot of people can be involved in, however, there will be plenty of contests in the future, so there will be a chance for everyone to show their awesomeness. Thus, I am not worried about whether or not ideas apply to a wide crowd or not, although the bigger the crowd, the better.
it needs to be something a lot of people can be involved in, however, there will be plenty of contests in the future, so there will be a chance for everyone to show their awesomeness. Thus, I am not worried about whether or not ideas apply to a wide crowd or not, although the bigger the crowd, the better.
Drawing contest? :D
Drawing what? How would we know the work isn't someone's else? We have to be careful, the idea is good, and I am sure we can work it somehow. I will let you know what I think of...when I think of it :)
Drawing what? How would we know the work isn't someone's else? We have to be careful, the idea is good, and I am sure we can work it somehow. I will let you know what I think of...when I think of it :)
you have to sign Team9000 in your drawing or your screenname
Written Contest
Competitive Contest
Treasure Hunt resulting in random drawing (Like Egg contest)
Completely Random Drawing (like weekly contest)
Tournament Style gaming contest
Minecraft Survival Challenge
we could do something like a tournament with brackets and everything for a certain game. like Sc2, Lol, or even something like quake
I feel most game tournaments should be held by the respective leader(s) of said game, as there are very few games out there that a majority of Team9000 members collectively share. However, games like minecraft, TF2, and killing floor; games that are free or popular among us, could be used to hold Team9000 wide tournaments. We could do this several times a year max, and it could be a lot of fun. Also, if you are interested in throwing a contest for a certain game, let me know. Any game. I would be glad to help you guys back it/organize it. If you want a contest, shoot me a message and we can iron out details, and I will supply prizes. I have been thinking about doing this for a while, and as long as the prizes aren't something crazy, and I don't get a million requests, I will be glad to back it, or help back it. I want to get not only contests up and running, but tournaments too. This is a gaming community, so lets show a little competitiveness. One more thing, games don't just have to be tournaments. I was planning some contest for BF3, like who can get the furthest head shot, who can shoot down the most enemies in a jet, and so forth. If you have an idea for a tournament OR a contest for a specific game, shoot me a message and we can discuss it. Let me know what you think.
A drawing contest that has to involve something related to team9000 or a story involving team9000 references and admins.
Casey said:
I feel most game tournaments should be held by the respective leader(s) of said game, as there are very few games out there that a majority of Team9000 members collectively share. However, games like minecraft, TF2, and killing floor; games that are free or popular among us, could be used to hold Team9000 wide tournaments. We could do this several times a year max, and it could be a lot of fun. Also, if you are interested in throwing a contest for a certain game, let me know. Any game. I would be glad to help you guys back it/organize it. If you want a contest, shoot me a message and we can iron out details, and I will supply prizes. I have been thinking about doing this for a while, and as long as the prizes aren't something crazy, and I don't get a million requests, I will be glad to back it, or help back it. I want to get not only contests up and running, but tournaments too. This is a gaming community, so lets show a little competitiveness. One more thing, games don't just have to be tournaments. I was planning some contest for BF3, like who can get the furthest head shot, who can shoot down the most enemies in a jet, and so forth. If you have an idea for a tournament OR a contest for a specific game, shoot me a message and we can discuss it. Let me know what you think.

Check your inbox :)
I feel most game tournaments should be held by the respective leader(s) of said game, as there are very few games out there that a majority of Team9000 members collectively share. However, games like minecraft, TF2, and killing floor; games that are free or popular among us, could be used to hold Team9000 wide tournaments. We could do this several times a year max, and it could be a lot of fun. Also, if you are interested in throwing a contest for a certain game, let me know. Any game. I would be glad to help you guys back it/organize it. If you want a contest, shoot me a message and we can iron out details, and I will supply prizes. I have been thinking about doing this for a while, and as long as the prizes aren't something crazy, and I don't get a million requests, I will be glad to back it, or help back it. I want to get not only contests up and running, but tournaments too. This is a gaming community, so lets show a little competitiveness. One more thing, games don't just have to be tournaments. I was planning some contest for BF3, like who can get the furthest head shot, who can shoot down the most enemies in a jet, and so forth. If you have an idea for a tournament OR a contest for a specific game, shoot me a message and we can discuss it. Let me know what you think.
Check your inbox please. :D
Hmmm... this might be very difficult for participants, but perhaps a build contest for Minecraft that suits a vaguely-worded riddle? Participants at the end of the build have to explain reasonably why their build fits the riddle.

For example:

1) I can be used to move things.
2) I am mostly brightly colored.
3) I come from olden days.
4) I'm often mistaken for something else.
5) My nature can change drastically.

Possible builds:

A Imperial Roman onager

1) I move rocks or pots of flaming oil when I toss them at the enemy.
2) I'm stylized in Gold and Red, the colors of the Imperium
3) Ancient Rome... that's pretty old
4) Everyone calls me a catapult but I'm not.
5) I may look clumsily built but load me up with a rock, and I'll silence my critics.

A Native American teepee

1) If you take me down, you can convert me into a sled or stretcher.
2) I have tribal designs all over my canvas.
3) 19th century... I'm older than all living human beings... except for that one 125 y/o Frenchwoman or whatever.
4) Western settlers called me a "tent"
5) See my answer to 1)

Sprite of Goku from Drgaon Ball Franchise

1) I can move things and destroy moons.
2) Bright orange martial arts outfit.
3) The '80s! A lot of you weren't even born then!
4) People not familiar with the franchise mix my name up with my sons' names, Gohan and Goten.
5) Super Saiyan!!!
Sprite of vegeta from Drgaon Ball Franchise

1) Its over 9000.
2) Why it involves breaking millions of scouters.
3) Involves a question about power levels
4) Taking in shocking responses from a buddy denying in disbelief
5) Involving something about a green guy that thinks "yes! yes! I can win! I can do this!"
Fixed that for you.