Contest Ideas

This will sound ridiculous, but, like a level editing contest.

Contestants will use their favorite engines to create a level.

For example, Serious Editor (serious sam), Unreal editor (unreal tournament), garry's mod? (half life), etc.

They would have to post progress pictures to show it's their work.

Also I'll get back to you on the game tournament idea, that would be really awesome for halo 1, quake, counter strike,
unreal 2004. Most games have demos we could play on so it would be free.
Casey, I have an idea. An Easter Egg hunt. Whoever finds the ten eggs(perhaps a build or a certain block) wins.

Another idea is Team9000 sprite. Whoever makes the best T9k sprite wins.

Spleef Contest. Build a big spleef arena and spleef. Whoever wins gets the prize.
I'm not new I've been a member for a year now, and it was just an idea.
Heaps new.PNG
Hey, I don't care if you THINK the idea is stupid, don't give people shit for their ideas. No ones idea is bad.

Gtr, these are good ideas, but lets try to stay away from minecraft a much as possible.