Cookie Clicker

So I'm stuck...


I've never even seen the N symbol yet, how am I expected to get to the U symbol? All I can hope for is that my Frostleaf gets strong enough to advance me to higher levels (Also, I've never ascended, and started playing less than a week ago)

*Note* Didn't realize I showed the x100 prices... my Frostleaf costs 7,051O and the Dread Knight costs 10,000U
So I'm stuck...

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I've never even seen the N symbol yet, how am I expected to get to the U symbol? All I can hope for is that my Frostleaf gets strong enough to advance me to higher levels (Also, I've never ascended, and started playing less than a week ago)

*Note* Didn't realize I showed the x100 prices... my Frostleaf costs 7,051O and the Dread Knight costs 10,000U
Yeah, not gonna happen for a long time.
I'm at the same situation you are with a lvl 124 frostleaf. Sitting here grinding the floor 130 boss and it's not gaining anywhere near enough gold to get up there in damage.

let it sit for a couple days and you might be able to get him to lvl 140....

My floor 140 boss is worth 3 hero souls so I'm torn whether I should just say fuck it and bank in the 8 hero souls I'll gain from another ascension or tough it out and grab 11....
Yeah, not gonna happen for a long time.
I'm at the same situation you are with a lvl 124 frostleaf. Sitting here grinding the floor 130 boss and it's not gaining anywhere near enough gold to get up there in damage.

let it sit for a couple days and you might be able to get him to lvl 140....

My floor 140 boss is worth 3 hero souls so I'm torn whether I should just say fuck it and bank in the 8 hero souls I'll gain from another ascension or tough it out and grab 11....
Wait, the 140 boss is worth 3 Hero Souls? Thad'd put me up to 12! I gotta try for it!
O.o I need to kill primals
You have it easier than I do actually... Your Frostleaf is gilded, giving him a +50% boost to his damage, which is a lot.

I'm almost at your damage output by abusing an ancient...


Whereas yours boosts your useful character, mine only adds to my total... meaning all my useless characters get a boost. Amazing early game, but useless late game.

I have almost no damage output if I accidentally click. Or use an ability...
You should do your first 3 ascensions once you can gain around 5-10 hero souls. You'd be amazed at how much faster your next ascension goes.
Also, trying to get the next hero after frostleaf is really not worth during your first 3 ascensions. Instead, it's better to either ascend or get Treebeast to lvl 1,000.

I'm currently on my 3rd ascension. My 3rd ascension only took me a few hours to get Frostleaf

EDIT: One more thing, I've read that you should always keep at least 50 Hero Souls in stock before you decide to spend any of them.
You should do your first 3 ascensions once you can gain around 5-10 hero souls. You'd be amazed at how much faster your next ascension goes.
Would you say it's time I ascended? (2 gilds on Brittany and one on Betty as well offscreen)

In the meanwhile I accidentally discovered a recently released game called Clickilization which adds conquest to the mix. Still in it's early stages of development, and not the best English, and the graphics are 2000 tier.
(Warning: Click-oriented)
Would you say it's time I ascended? (2 gilds on Brittany and one on Betty as well offscreen)
View attachment 144464

In the meanwhile I accidentally discovered a recently released game called Clickilization which adds conquest to the mix. Still in it's early stages of development, and not the best English, and the graphics are 2000 tier.

I ascended my first time when I had 11 Hero Souls. I think you'll be amaze-balls how fast you'll proceed the second time. Yeah I'd ascend. You'll be back to where you are in no time.
Welp, just upgraded a few guys to 800+ and used my abilities to grant +100% dps and +400% click damage and killed the lvl 140 primal boss.
Much appreciated for the tip!
Should I ascend for the +17 souls it will give, or wait until I get +600 hero levels for one more (I had like 4 primal bosses, 2 of them giving 3 hero souls each) I', currently at 29 souls without the +17