Currently reading/good books suggestions

sorry for the late replies, i was side tracked by......terraria........ but well i will visit minecraft again once i buy minecraft.

but i digressed,
Yes, i have read some synopsis of the books you guys/gals suggested and mostly are really fun. I never would have thoguht that Science fiction was this interesting. The books are all opinions, don't discourage people from suggesting ideas, I already looking to create a full list for this year :)
Brotherband Book 2: The Invaders is out April 1st. If anyone is interested or liked the rangers apprentice series, pick up Book 1 of the Brotherband series. It's set in the same universe as Rangers Apprentice but is more revolved around the skandian side of the story.
1. 1984
2. Ender’s game
3. Lord of the rings (lol never read it)
4. CHERUB series
5. Farenheit 451
6. Ranger’s apprentice series
7. Warriors
8. The Hobbit (yes slap me)
9. Inheritance series (Kat said its fun)
10. Packing for Mars
That is all, I am a slow reader. IF I somehow manage to finish all the books, (>_>)
I will consider more from this thread. Thankyou !
1. 1984
2. Ender’s game
3. Lord of the rings (lol never read it)
4. CHERUB series
5. Farenheit 451
6. Ranger’s apprentice series
7. Warriors
8. The Hobbit (yes slap me)
9. Inheritance series (Kat said its fun)
10. Packing for Mars
That is all, I am a slow reader. IF I somehow manage to finish all the books, (>_>)
I will consider more from this thread. Thankyou !

Number 1 was a wise choice.
So it's been two years since the last post, what's everyone been reading?

I just finished a 4-day marathon of the Inheritance Cycle and I've got to say I'm quite impressed. I've been left with that bittersweet empty feeling one suffers from upon the completion of a captivating piece of entertainment. Although I can forgive the series for it's predictability due to it's trappings of existing in a fantasy setting (i.e the whole of "Murtaghs and Broms shenanigans"), I do have a few pet gripes:

[collapse= Major Spoilers]

Eragon getting his ass cock-blocked all the fucking time.

The "main villain" (whatever his name is) getting his ass "crystal skulled".

If Eragon can now shape the ancient language to his whim, why doesn't he just magic up a floating island in the middle of the ocean instead of pulling a Frodo Baggins.

Instead of waiting hundreds or years for "the chosen one" (Eragon) to arrive at the vault of souls, why didn't the dragons train a fuck-ton of riders in the meanwhile and deal with the "main villain" before he transcended into god tier.

Nasusda trying to transform Eragon into Dragon Age.

Eragon getting cock-blocked.

Hmmm...Let's see what I've been reading..

1) Silent Spring is always a good choice
2) Anything by Tom Clancy; can never go wrong with him, currently reading Threat Vector
3) Great Weapons of World War II; Pretty much a comprehensive guide on every vehicle-plane, boat, tank, anti tank, rockets, anti this-and-that guns, etc
4) Dreadnought: Britian, Germany, And the Coming of the Great War: thick book, but pretty good so far
5) The Trial By Franz Kafka; im not much of a fan of Kafka, but I gotta say I liked the trial.

I recommend every book I listed.
Read the Infernal Devices (prequel), and the Mortal Instruments (main) series.

Not bad, romance is a bit overbearing, but not bad.
Brotherband Book 2: The Invaders is out April 1st. If anyone is interested or liked the rangers apprentice series, pick up Book 1 of the Brotherband series. It's set in the same universe as Rangers Apprentice but is more revolved around the skandian side of the story.
Just finished book one a couple hours ago. fantastic, and ill be heading to the library tomorrow for the invaders.
Books I've read lately, or am in the middle of, in no particular order:
  • Septimus heap
  • Rangers apprentice
  • Tears of artamon (great trilogy, fantasy with a very Russian overtone)
  • Quarantine: The Loners
  • The Lost Gate, which is book one of The Mither Mages
  • No Safety in Numbers
and i know there are like 6 other series I've read this past year, ill add them as i remember them.
Just finished book one a couple hours ago. fantastic, and ill be heading to the library tomorrow for the invaders.
Books I've read lately, or am in the middle of, in no particular order:
  • Septimus heap
  • Rangers apprentice
  • Tears of artamon (great trilogy, fantasy with a very Russian overtone)
  • Quarantine: The Loners
  • The Lost Gate, which is book one of The Mither Mages
  • No Safety in Numbers
and i know there are like 6 other series I've read this past year, ill add them as i remember them.


I'm currently reading The Belgariad per my librarian's recommendation. Upon the completion of Book 1, It's a tad slow and blatantly teases future events whilst leaving the protagonist in the dark, albeit interesting nonetheless.
One series that I haven't seen here yet is the Broken Empires Trilogy by Mark Lawrence. The three books are Prince of Thorns, King of Thorns, and Emperor of Thorns in that order. Probably my favorite series to date and I've read them multiple times. A very good fantasy book.

Currently reading: Black Butler (Manga)
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I'm currently reading The Belgariad per my librarian's recommendation. Upon the completion of Book 1, It's a tad slow and blatantly teases future events whilst leaving the protagonist in the dark, albeit interesting nonetheless.

Belgariad is good. There's also a second series after it that prolongs the story :)