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Australians don't speak English, they speak Australian, an almost incomprehensible language where few actually understand the tounge.
I was thinking maybe, just maybe if I could set up a Bar/Hotel outside the City entrance, for traveling adventures to heal thier wounds, maybe even buy and sell food or it could be given out for free. A good place to stop off before leaving or entering the City Limits?

If you do accept I shall call it the, Wandering Creeper Inn.
I was thinking maybe, just maybe if I could set up a Bar/Hotel outside the City entrance, for traveling adventures to heal thier wounds, maybe even buy and sell food or it could be given out for free. A good place to stop off before leaving or entering the City Limits?

If you do accept I shall call it the, Wandering Creeper Inn.
On a related note... I'm building a nightclub at WorldHub.
I was thinking maybe, just maybe if I could set up a Bar/Hotel outside the City entrance, for traveling adventures to heal thier wounds, maybe even buy and sell food or it could be given out for free. A good place to stop off before leaving or entering the City Limits?

If you do accept I shall call it the, Wandering Creeper Inn.
Pics pl0x?

On a related note... I'm building a nightclub at WorldHub.
I need to get there! I really need to help with this thing.

uns uns uns?
uns uns uns?

Perhaps we can join forces?

Because I plan to erect (Giggity) More of these Inns around the place.
Well, WorldHub will need some businesses.
In fact, I'll start a list.

So far, we have:

Beese's Magical Happytime Pub (known as Wandering Creeper Inn)
Vorsprung's Amazing Orgasmic Nightclub (know as Drinking Goon And Slaying Poon)
Ustulo's Sexy Rainbow Apocethary (name TBC)
I can't understand you at all.
These damn immigrints. Stop the boats!
Carbon Tax! Boat People!


Also, I might not build a house but since I'm locked in Cydonia, I might as well join it. Hey, maybe instead of not joining a single town, I might join All of them!

I'd like to do 2 Things if I'm gonna join Cydonia The most wanted one I want to do is make the Creeper in Outside the Main Gate, Also I'd like to make a Road going from Cydonia going to Spawn, Mainly because it's something that anyone could jump in and help without having to worry about plans and organization. How does that sound?
i'm 100% in for a place for travelers to sleep/rest/w.e

also, the road is a good idea, but not untill everything is claimed and protected