Describe T9K in one word!

^ Cheating. :P

So not.

Isn't compounding words like that a legit thing in German?

Like how "policeman" in English is considered one word and not two.


Wikipedia article on "German language" said:
German allows arbitrarily long compounds, as English does to some extent. (See also English compounds.) In German these are quite common. The longest German word verified to be actually in (albeit very limited) use is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, which, literally translated, is "beef labelling supervision duty assignment law" [from Rind (cattle), Fleisch (meat), Etikettierung(s) (labelling), Überwachung(s) (supervision), Aufgaben (duties), Übertragung(s) (assignment), Gesetz (law)]. However, examples like this are perceived as excessively bureaucratic, stylistically awkward, and even satiric by native speakers.
It was directed more at the fact that you described the Official Team 9000 Gaming Community as "Official Team 9000 Gaming Community" rather than the use of a single word (not exactly a word... "linguistic entity" perhaps?) to do it.

Back on topic...


(its not much of a word but well its a shortage and this Do mean something, This is what it mean: "What You See Is What You Play" and you asked for one word so its not wrong is it now? :p )