drawing time!

I just drew Magnezone and two Magnemites.
100_2964 - Kopya.JPG
So, about 8 months ago I drew this for patchouli as my first thing for the tablet.:
(I partially traced this one so I really am not proud of it and I don't really think it counts...)

The anatomy on that is a disaster. Not much contrast either and it was practically traced...
8 months of drawing later, hope you like it Patch:
Got bored while watching Cowbob bebop and tried to see how fast I can sketch a full image + color (sloppily of course) in 30 minutes


For no reference anatomy wise I'd say it's pretty good.
pony ed, Sir my respect for you increased 10 fold. brilliant job, well done.
Got bored while watching Cowbob bebop and tried to see how fast I can sketch a full image + color (sloppily of course) in 30 minutes


For no reference anatomy wise I'd say it's pretty good.
I would expect Ed to be slimmer but I guess with a pony that doesn't really work. And for some reason her proportions don't seem to fit that of a filly.
Damn, there's some good shit in here.
Just wondering before I post, my stuff is all edited photography.. more about the editing than the photography though. Is this too far away from 'drawing' to qualify here? :D I would still say it's art.