E3 2014

Why have we not started talking about Sunset Overdrive yet? It looks like a hell of a lot of fun and that's kind of what I want in an FPS.
it looks decent but honestly splatoon surprised me more than sunset overdrive. idk I like the ideas and yet it seemed kinda dull?
I'm hyped for a lot of things. Trying to talk about all of them would likely cause foaming at the mouth, and a few other things. Nintendo stole the show for me, but then again, I've always been on Nintendo's side for everything because they built my childhood. Every single thing they showed off, I want. Other things I'm hyped about include: Assassin's Creed: Unity, The Master Chief collection, the Ratchet and Clank movie/collection, Batman: Arkham Knight, and a few others.
Looking forward to the new Doom more than anything.

That cyberdemon made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
For this year's E3 I was for the most part, not that all impressed. However, select titles such as The Witcher 3 and Elite: Dangerous, RPG and Space-Sim respectively, managed to catch my eye.

What I'm most impressed and looking forward to in the future is Square Enix's highly secretive "Project Flare" that was shown In November last year and once again too publishers/developers at this years e3 behind closed doors. I suggest giving the following links a look if you have the slightest interest in Tech/Software advances in the gaming industry.

