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Echonia, The Fallen City.

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Sorry, I'm just flicking between screens at the moment, can you please help us????? if not. And is that the best you can do for us. Complain about triple posting...
you kinda have no right to be but if you must.... you also keep thinking you're doing nothing wrong. or you think that everything you're doing is justified or something. meh im done trying to figure you out and what you really want. honestly im tired of seeing that Damn mudkip every post. sorry mudkip, its not your fault.
I know we did wrong, but again Italay91 has been banned. This thread is to just try and get the pieces of my town and fit them back together..... (I will change my signature....)
Many of you will have heard of what has happened to the great town of Echonia, but many of you do not know the truth behead what has happened. Echonia was a busy and brilliant town with many great citizens, and I as their Mayor. At the time my assistants were Italay91, BabyBacon, and Shoterty12.

The town had always had the ambition of having an outpost at spawn for various reasons, to get items for travel such as food, minecarts and boats, but soon we began to notice the spaces around spawn were filling up quickly so we had to move fast. My assistants at the time, went down to spawn and quickly claimed an area of land adjoining to spawn as I was offline. This is were the problems began, the area my assistants had claimed was a unofficial war zone for players to have PVP. My assistants had a bit of a fight with them and Italay killed a few in unlawful ways, resulting in a ban appeal for him. By the next day when I came on the Outpost has caused a near enough riot with players who had builds on areas of the land also joint in with the fight. By this time our Outpost had grown much larger. By this time Shooterty had grown restless with being in the same place and left the town (he may also of left for other reasons but that was what he told us).

After a while of trying to figure out who needs help and trying to calm everyone down, a couple of loyal players in my town stopped playing. I understand that when I was working on giving land back I wasn't quick enough but many players from the other side were very uncivil and extremely un-friendly. After a week of trying to work things out Italay91 was banned. Then due to some of the inpatient , rather selfish players the town was disband by no other than Wooty himself.

Now the towns gone, many players found new loyalties, our town has lost all my money, and still areas of what used to be our town are being looted, and grieved.

I have not been banned but am considering leaving the server.

I hope that if an Admin could help in anyway except commenting on my grammar/no. of posts in a row they will.
Also withstand on your hate mail please.

So, you lost a city, do what the ancients did, rebuild, it is unjust and rather confusing that the town was disbanded instead of just removing the said plots and that the incident with Callum/Italy 91 was not resolved quickly, is rather idiotic in my opinion.

Change, whether you like it or not, is for the good. Without change everything would become "dead" in a sense, your empire may have fallen, but rebuild on top of the mountain that Echonia once was, and it is also the leader of Echonia's fault for promoting "idiot's to the assistant status.
I give my condolences, Shark. I agree with Skryter's recommendation to rebuild the city from scratch, but I do encourage you to continue to appeal to the admins for a refund. On this note, it would probably help to provide a list of items that you lost.

In the future, I would also suggest that you not be afraid to claim an outpost on water. You could construct the building like a sort of lighthouse/refuge base, and spawn is just a boat ride away.

I understand that you feel you have been treated unjustly. You have lost your town, your assets, and your peers. The only thing I can say is move on. Pull a "Phoenix Peak" revival or something. And do remember that I will continue to be your friend should you desire one.
money in the iconomy system on this server can gotten very easily. Also stop trolling the admins with "all you can do is complain about triple posting??" and " They don't give a crap." It wont really help you at all. Just rebuild and go on a recruiting spree. That should get you back up and running in no time.
I've merged these threads, considering they're about exactly the same thing. Although, the post order is a little... wonky now.

As a solution to this issue, I have already previously promised to sponsor any town which wishes to help you guys out by accepting you into their towns. I will pay for any land they purchase to protect you. However, I'm not going to just give you all the money back, as that defeats the purpose of this restructure. You guys claimed a bunch of land you shouldn't have, and you (as the mayor), didn't handle the situation. I did.

Anyone interested in helping out these residents, feel free to organize the logistics here, and I will reimburse your town for any land claim costs.
I'm not really sure why everyone says this. It's not like 1.8 is right around the corner.

It is true. A wipe is inevitable until the actual release. Once we have the acual release, there's sure to be less wipes. Then people can get concerned with the little details. It's just a game, eh?
Shark, in my opinion, your citizens deserve help, but you.....not so much. If you had done the honorable thing and removed the stupid outpost, your town would have never been removed, and you would have not lost a fortune. Your "be patient" crap annoyed a ton of people, including me. While I didn't PvP in that warzone too often, I know a lot of people who did. Worse, all you had to do, and I mean ALL you had to do, was type /town unclaim a few times. While you neglected to get rid of the outpost, you also did nothing about italay and babybacon, who were both causing extreme trouble, and giving Echonia a bad name, but you did not tell them to stop, and if you did, you didn't punish them.

It took Wooty probably a couple of minutes to do what you couldn't do in a couple of weeks.
I know I did not work at a speedy pace, to fix things and sometimes in life you have to "be patient" things don't come quickly, that is a selfish thought. I know I should've unclaimed the land but I did not wish to loose money my citizens had made, and in the end I did try to fix it by just using unclaim but sadly I wasn't on minecraft as much as the majority last week. I would also like to add the problem of the land was only brought to me for a week not a 2, 3, 4 weeks.... I am willing if you want to leave the server but give back the members of my town the land they have built on, don't usher them away to other places they're innocent I'm sure you will agree. Xraptor, I am a nice person I have told Italay and Bacon off before. Obviously not as extreme as you would go... but I am aware off Shooter also watching/being involved in some of Italays killings and not reporting them... oh yeh Italay told me he's killed loads of people!

Just let one of previous citizens take over the town,

Bye Guys (Doubt I will ever be back!)

And Sonic thanks a BUNCH next time I want to do anything I will ask you, you know just how to fix things :D I mean because a group of people are complaining you just make a quick and harsh decision without speaking to me! or the people in my town. I do appreciate a server with a great law system! I tried talking to you for help, before it happened did you nooooooooooo. And I would like to thank your "future" Admins as they have already told players they will, be practically already power mad threatening BANS, and the notations are: QUANIX!!!!! THEXRAPTOR!!!! AND ZACHASDY!!!!! but the winner is the nastiest, most arrogant piece of work THE XRPATOR!!!!!! YAY!

If I haven't said enough of how I feel I appologise! NNow tell lies and rant more over this subject if you please!

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