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-=- Elm Creek -=- Discussion, plans, suggestions..


Well-Known Member
I've always considered minecraft a community based game. Keeping that in mind, as a community we should all have equal say in the development of the new city. It's a city for the people, made by the people.

So, any general feedback or suggestions would be great!
I need to hear from you people!

Theme ideas:

Old Western


Alpine Village/Outback



Winter Themed:



Cliff City:

Floating City

Underwater city:

Just a few random ideas of mine, feel free to comment or add!
underground sounds cool but new name would be required. I suggest waiting on this idea

Based on the name of the city I would suggest an emphasis on simple rural style structures (no castles, mansions, elaborate huge buildings, etc) with as much thought and effort placed on the outside landscaping as the buildings.
underground sounds cool but new name would be required. I suggest waiting on this idea

Based on the name of the city I would suggest an emphasis on simple rural style structures (no castles, mansions, elaborate huge buildings, etc) with as much thought and effort placed on the outside landscaping as the buildings.

With this in mind, I would suggest the Old Western theme. It actually fits with a lot of that, and not everything in the Old West was desert-like.
I just want a city that focuses on maintaining a sense of realistic scale and design.
For example with the western theme if someone where to build a hotel it should have UNDER 9000 rooms
Elm creek gives me the image of dirt roads leading to large wooden waterfront houses surrounded by pine trees.
Maybe a camp like community gathering area where the roads join up to form a community gathering area (like those typical campsites in childrens holiday movies).
I mainly think of trees, nature and open space when it comes to elm creek :D

FREEBUILD!!! It seems like everything from now on is going to be dictated. It would be cool to have a city with a bunch of cool random floating crap or something. If not this city, another one down the road.
Western or alpine fits the name most id say, maybe a desert map with a single lake on it with the town around it?
I think it would be better to be more western-style than alpine-style. So, maybe a bit more of an arid landscape with less water (above ground, whatever the case) and more cacti. That'd be fun, since I don't think we've had anything like that on this server before.
I'd prefer freebiuld but with realistic buildings (without a theme if possible)

I just want a city that focuses on maintaining a sense of realistic scale and design.
For example with the western theme if someone where to build a hotel it should have UNDER 9000 rooms
I second this idea :D
I think I like the Winter themed the best.

People can take trips to 'Elm Creek' and spend the time skiing, staying in warmed inns, and do other stuff.

Of course, I think we should have another named world for 'Old Western' seeing that we don't have one.
If any of you have played any of the Fable games, and I'm generally referring to the first one, the name Elm Creek reminds me of
Oakvale, see picture.

Wooden village. Log roofs, plank bodies, big river running down the middle. That is what I think of when somebody says Elm Creek.
Like I have said before, Elm Creek sounds like a town that belongs in the mountains. However, we really do not have much of a choice where Wooty makes the city boundaries at. Random generated worlds can not be specific to meet the interests of all of us, unfortunately. As far as a theme for buildings go, I would say wait on that. Until we see the area that is chosen for the city. I do like the alpine one the best out of them, sounds right with the name.