Facebook Stupidity Thread

*posting pictures of your fucking food
*incredibly vague status messages trying to be some sort of life lesson or some shit
*game requests
*dumbass hashtags
*dumbass political commentary
*posting that you are about to delete a lot of friends
*posting pictures of your newborn, and you're my age (STOP making fucking babies)
-reposts from 4chan or 9gag fb page
-reposts from George Takei (fuck that guy)
-reposts of that picture that talks about the size of women and attractiveness
-reposts of the conversation between student and professor about god and how "Evil is simply the absence of God" hurr durr durr that student was Einstein, and then saying how you are not sure if the einstein part is true but the conversation is worth reading, no it's not, it's fucking retarded.
-reposts of university memes
-reposts of rage comics LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE

yes I'm mad.
yes I'm mad.
Fitting reaction:

I deleted mine too.
My friends weren't even using it right. I swear, %50 percent of the post were one direction or Justin Beiber, 45% were "like this if...", and the other 5% was shit about them I didn't care about.
I wish I had something to contribute. I guess I pretty much weeded out all the morons on my facebook.
Thank god the disease hasn't spread to my facebook pages yet. The day I start seeing people post those crap is the day my facebook friends list gets cut down.
Does it matter what people do on their facebook page that much? People are stupid, and they're going to get into everything and dumb it all up eventually.
Does it matter what people do on their facebook page that much? People are stupid, and they're going to get into everything and dumb it all up eventually.
I laugh at people who are stupid in real life.
I laugh at people who are stupid on facebook.

Perhaps my laughter at them can deter them for being so stupid, if only it were that easy.
My job requires me to speak with people every day. A good percentage of them are dumb. I can speak from experience that they don't like being laughed at and will yell and you and then your supervisor, and then your supervisor yells at you and none of it is fun. They don't get smarter, either.