Favorite Magicians :D


Well-Known Member
After watchig a whole bunch, just wondering which ones i shud see next, so far my favorite is David Copperfield because he totally f's shit up.
harry Houdini is #1, but my favorite is kirby vanbirch....i still can't figure the hell how he gets that helicopter on stage :Z
it's too bad Siegfried and Roy aren't an act anymore ... they were pretty epic, tho i saw them over a wooty-age ago. =/

honestly, i can't think of a magic act i'd to go see in vegas nowadays, and i'd probably shoot myself before i went to go see Carrot Top do anything. ah, well. good luck in whatever you choose, i'm sure you won't be disappointed with anything you go see.
harry Houdini is #1, but my favorite is kirby vanbirch....i still can't figure the hell how he gets that helicopter on stage :Z

I saw Kirby live one time, then talked to him in person after the show and shook his hand. I told him im coming back years later after i figure out how its done. Its been a year and a half.

Also, My favorite Magician; The Dark Magician
I saw Kirby live one time, then talked to him in person after the show and shook his hand. I told him im coming back years later after i figure out how its done. Its been a year and a half.

Also, My favorite Magician; The Dark Magician


ok, i got lazy and pretty much posted the one i kinda liked out of the first page of results. irregardless, it was a good show.

also, beware the 3-legged man (optionally giggity)
yeah, i saw that mystery magician's show ... interesting to learn how stuff's been pulled off (also raises the bar for future magic) that's pretty much why i'd recommend a Cirque show or a musical revue ... not that you can't go to Circus Circus on the 2nd floor and watch all the free shows that go on about every half hour :p