Feed The Beast Ultimate Server

Quite a few of us live with or near SunFire. It's a town of sorts...I'm working on a base not far away.
Kon, can you hold on to the things that I died with that you didn't return until the next time I see you online? My laptop died and I'm too tired for anything else tonight.

Edit: Scratch that, I can't even manage to run single player so multi is out... so nvm then. thanks anyways :-D
Don't know how I hadnt seen this yet but here it goes
Your in-game name: bengalclaw
Have you been banned from Team9000 before? nope
Were you a member of my tekkit server? yes
Any suggestions you have for items to be disabled? Only been playing FTB for about a week so can't say.
I believe SunFireDragon now has a suggestion for an item to be disabled, and an item to be enabled.
I don't have much free time because of Life stuff but I would like to stick my head in from time to time to say hi.

Your in-game name: ChrisWsrn
Have you been banned from Team9000 before? No
Were you a member of my tekkit server? Yes (It was interesting)
Any suggestions you have for items to be disabled? Chunk-loaders if you are not running on a dedicated box. This is to keep CPU usage down to minimize lag when you fire up another game.
essentially, gregtech replaces the mass fabricator with the matter fabricator, which is completely bullshit. i like gregtech, but this is one example of going too far.
You can make anything from uu-matter? Seems a little op.
.....you haven't tried to use it, obviously.
From what tinkering I've done with tekkit before, as far as I know UU matter has a large amount of recipes, largely "secret" or something. They can also be used to make pretty much anything. The grind to getting it, however, is painstaking and time consuming. You need to have a massive supply of scrap to speed it up if you're hoping to get anyway with it.