Feed The Beast Ultimate Server

It seems like every other post on this thread is about the server crashing and having to be restarted.

I think tshin should look into some simple plugins that auto restart the server after a set amount of time. I believe AutoRestart is one on bukkit. SimpleRestart is another.

It may even be easier to write a quick program that will do it for you. All it needs to do is ping the IP of your server and if nothing comes back, then tell it to run the start.command or whatever convenient batch file you have set up to start up your server.
I think tshin should look into some simple plugins that auto restart the server after a set amount of time. I believe AutoRestart is one on bukkit. SimpleRestart is another.

The stock Feed The Beast Server is based on the Minecraft Server by Mojang for stability reasons and not Bukkit. This is because Bukkit and Minecraft Forge don't work well with each other. Because of this he can not use bukkit plugins with it unless he changes the server engine to something that supports bukkit plugins AND Minecraft Forge.

It may even be easier to write a quick program that will do it for you. All it needs to do is ping the IP of your server and if nothing comes back, then tell it to run the start.command or whatever convenient batch file you have set up to start up your server.

Pinging the server IP will only tell you if the NIC on the server host is working and not if the Minecraft server is up. This is because PING is handled by ICMP and not by the Application on that port. Pinging the server WILL tell you if the host is down but then you will need to remotely boot the Server Host AND THEN start the Minecraft server.

Looks like the rollbacks are chunk specific cos not everything rolled back

The rollbacks are probably caused by the map not being saved before server shutdown. This can happen if the server is improperly shutdown or if the server host crashes.
Doesn't tshin use MCPC+ on the server? That's a forge implementation that also includes the craftbukkit implementation. Kind of like a super-server kit. Hence also the reason you can use /home, etc ;)

Also, I think the idea Stratadon was alluding to was that you could send a server list ping packet (0xFE) to the localhost and see if it returns a response. If it doesn't then the server is unreachable and needs to be restarted which you could write a separate (non-bukkit) program to do.
Also, I think the idea Stratadon was alluding to was that you could send a server list ping packet (0xFE) to the localhost and see if it returns a response. If it doesn't then the server is unreachable and needs to be restarted which you could write a separate (non-bukkit) program to do.

You can't send a packet from a script without a program and you should not run a program with permissions to execute other programs.

The way the bukkit plugins generally work is by restarting the server on a schedule so it does not crash in the frist place or by changing the startup script to run infinitely so if it crashes it just restarts. Setting the startup script to run infinitely is a VERY BAD idea for a few reasons.

I would need to talk to tshin about these crashes before I can recommend a solution to fix this problem.
You can't send a packet from a script without a program and you should not run a program with permissions to execute other programs.

The way the bukkit plugins generally work is by restarting the server on a schedule so it does not crash in the frist place or by changing the startup script to run infinitely so if it crashes it just restarts. Setting the startup script to run infinitely is a VERY BAD idea for a few reasons.

I would need to talk to tshin about these crashes before I can recommend a solution to fix this problem.

Perhaps I don't write english very well because people seem to be misinterpreting my posts a lot today. @_o

Stratadon mentioned writing his own program, not finding one off of the internet. Regardless, you have no true way to know what any program that you download off the internet does without being able to read decompiled assembly code. Why are you trying to send network data from a script btw? I never said anything about scripts or using bukkit plugins, I said a separate program, perhaps written in C# or C++.

you should not run a program with permissions to execute other programs.
*cough* Steam *cough*
It's my opinion that if you trust the program there is no problem.
I am well aware that a simple ping of his server address may not give me anything useful to work with but I would have to do a bit of testing to tell for sure. I would also try a telnet to his minecraft port (25565) and depending on the response, a simple if/else would allow the program to run his start command if the result is not what it is supposed to be. There has to be a simple way to do this if he can't or does not want to use a bukkit mod.

Screen Shot 2013-06-21 at 2.54.46 AM.png
Some preliminary experiments are looking good.

I started up my server on my computer. I ran a telnet to my local IP and port 25565 and got a connected message when my server was up, and a message saying I could not connect when the server was down.

When server was up:

noah-pc:~ noah$ telnet 25565
Connected to noah-pc.home.
Escape character is '^]'.

When server was down:

noah-pc:~ noah$ telnet 25565
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

If I could have like 5 mins with tshin at some point, I could determine if this could work to his machine as well. All I need is terminal to spit out a consistent string if the server is up or a consistent string if the server is down.
This is all well and good, Stratadon, but you're making the assumption that the server is crashing. Which, it isn't.

EDIT: And Chris and 777 too,
It dies and then reincarnates and then have a strong case of amnesia too. Probable cause could be blunt force trauma on the top of the hard drives.
When it went down, I asked braca if b e could bring it back up. He then told me that the box was off.
This is all well and good, Stratadon, but you're making the assumption that the server is crashing. Which, it isn't.

EDIT: And Chris and 777 too,
At the time I did not know if it was the server or the host that was causing issues so I said:
I would need to talk to tshin about these crashes before I can recommend a solution to fix this problem.

When it went down, I asked braca if b e could bring it back up. He then told me that the box was off.

In that case it is the host that is going offline. It would be a good idea to ask tshin why the host is going down and get info about how his host can be booted or just fix the problem causing the downtime.
The server is NOT crashing.
The Box it is running on shuts down cutting the server off.
The MAP is saved at set intervals.
The player inventory saves are less frequent AND when suddenly cut off go BACK to the last known SAFE save to prevent bugged inventories.

Tshin and Gurw (well i think G is) resolving the issue. Please realize that this is a free service we are performing in our spare time. Calm your tits till we get the bugs worked out.
The server will be moved to my dedicated box tonight. This will resolve the vast majority of the issues. Server crashes may still occur, but inventory wipes should be dramatically less frequent. Tshin will remain the operator of the server, as I am enjoying playing as opposed to being an operator. Brad will remain the admin he currently is, provided tshin thinks he's doing a good job.

During the move, the server will be down. If the box it currently is on goes down before I get back to my computer, it will be down until tshin can restart it, at which point it will be moved.

The IP will change, as I don't have a spare IP for the domain name to attach to yet, that usually takes a couple days for my host to assign it. For the duration of that time, the numerical IP and associated port will be given to everyone. When the domain name is attached to that server, everyone will be informed.

If anyone wants to toss me a few bucks to help pay for the server, the link is in the OP of the Voltz thread. I don't need it, but it never hurts.

See you tonight.