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Free skins for everyone!

Minecraft Username : clawstrider

Short Description of the skin: A cool, but kind of vicious looking Artic Wolf.
Pictures, pictures for everyone!



Colors Used : White I guess
I like good commentaries.

I made some new ones and I would like to continue.
You do pretty good on your skins. I'd love to see more shading on them though (the skin areas especially), and more blending on the colors. :) The burn tool does pretty well on that, if you have a program that does that.
You do pretty good on your skins. I'd love to see more shading on them though (the skin areas especially), and more blending on the colors. :) The burn tool does pretty well on that, if you have a program that does that.
Yes, I use McSkinedit. However, I don't really like Skinedit because it has gone through too many changes. My old laptop has the only version of skinedit I enjoyed using, which included all of the tools at the top. (such as the burn tool and the eraser) The newer version I downloaded earlier today no longer has all of the tools listed, but rather a command is used. Now Ctrl Left Click is for the burn tool, and simply right clicking will erase. Some may find it easier, but after making 30+ skins with the older version, it's almost impossible to make skins the same way.
I am Cheese7710 as my avatar-space says it is.
Can you make me a skin that looks a lot like my avatar? Here's a larger pic:


I know this may be a bit too detailed for a Minecraft skin, so if you need to leave out some details, I won't mind.:thumbsup:

Also, you are an amazing skin maker. Keep it up!:D
Nice skins :)
btw I read the title and thought this was some black market thing :) keep up the good work!
Minecraft username: katphish

May I request an avatar for myself too? I would like one based on the spriggans of Skyrim... Spriggans being these tree men kind of people...


Instead of the brown and golden-orange in the picture, I wanna see if the color scheme fpr the Spriggan skin can be like in this picture:

Something similar to this like with my avatar:

Except now it's gonna be the color change with the Spriggan for a Minecraft skin... has your brain exploded? lol

Colors used: Blue and white
Minecraft Username : stringboyz

Short Description of the skin: a grief police officer with black glasses (not big ones tho)

Colors Used : it does not matter just make it cool please

Related Pictures (if possible) : no its just imagination