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Free skins for everyone!

I'm creating this thread for anyone who would like to have an amazing Minecraft skin without having to search for it.

I'm actually creating some of those and I'm offering my little talent in Pixel art to all of you. I can do whatever you want (except some little things). The only thing I'm asking is a brief description of what you want. It shouldn't be really long... I'm actually quite fast at it.

This is a little something that you might complete if you want a new skin :

For some of my creations : http://www.minershoes.com/browse/author/141377

omg I checked out some of your stuff. I love it. I saw beetlejuice and when I buy the game im totally using it
can you make like this one? or maybe can you make pink-haired, pink cute clothes with pink cute skirt one? i hope you can ;( i try to make one, but what i make is always creep more than creeper :D

what did you use to edit skin? i try to use photoshop but its hard since idk the part of this, the part of that, can someone give me the picture or tell me the program to edit skin?
what did you use to edit skin? i try to use photoshop but its hard since idk the part of this, the part of that, can someone give me the picture or tell me the program to edit skin?:D
Sorry!! I'm coming back after a while...

Those who still want their skins, please resend your message, so that I can be sure of what I have to do.
Minecraft Username : daredevil71789
Short Description of the skin: Evil koala (red eyes) with dark almost blackish fur and sennheiser headphones on.
Colors Used : Black dark gray red (I guess some more? o.0)
Related Pictures (if possible) :
(Note, those headphones are viewed from the back, the side you see is the left side.)
Hey. I really liked the skin you made me, so I wanted to know if you'd do it again?

Name: Cheese7710

Skin name- (idk the real name, so I made one up) Drake-Light Form

Reference Pic:


I know a sword's not needed and there is no shield, but if you could make the rest?

And another if you can?
