FTP FPS Open Beta


Well-Known Member
If the title means anything to you, attack the following link:


Edit: downfall = requires Punkbuster(Seriously? Who uses Punkbuster?)
THE F**K? @_o

User Name Taken.png
you do know what these ftp games usually result in?
PTW that's right, pay to win, it's sad but it always happens
I know, I know. v.v But as I said before, "I like the looks of this game. Do want." (Regardless of eventual PTW! D<)
ahh well it's all good as long as you can have fun :D

also a fun fact: crytek is releasing a new ftp of their own (burst out in laughter)
I signed up a while ago for it but never got a beta key. Didn't know it was already out. I'll have to dl that later.