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Funny MineCraft Moments

And yes ooz, what was that elephant u put me in yesterday about in guest>
i was just starting on a sign, and had to get some pics and resize it in paint, so i got stuck in an elephant.
Next time, please ooz, put me inside a basketball net:D
Oh yeah, remember there was this "hacker" and he said "I can hack all of you!" or something. I was a smidge impressed-until he said "How do you move." that made me laugh so hard :3
Oh, guests are so careful these days, that they even want a confirmation to build ;)

Guests are so obedient.jpg

(In the meantime, frankiller is amusing him with the /me command haha :p)
One day I was just building a little castle when I realised that everyonce in a while one of my lava blocks kept turning into water. About 30 minutes in I turn around and I see GREEferwontdie and I'm just like "dude your such a troll!" And he just starts loln'