Get to Know a Gamer: mikeymagic

Which Gamer Would You Like to Get to Know?

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Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome to another installment of "Get to Know a Gamer!" Last weeks voting was very tight and resulted in a coin toss to determine the winner. Mikeymagic won the toss and is featured in this week's thread. Without further ado, here is the Ukrainian-Aussie wizard, mikeymagic:

1. What is it about you that makes you magic, mikey? What isn't magical about me? I'm a wizard, and you should probably know by now ;)


2. What're your five favorite movies? 1. A Roman Holiday - Audrey Hepburn is just too much of a babe, I can never resist! And this is actually a good movie too.

2. Lord of the Rings 1, 2 and 3 - I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuge lotr nerd. More than alot of peple can bear.

3. The Departed - Just awesome.


4. Up! - Cutest thing evoaarrr. (Narrowly surpassing Wall-e)

5.A Serbian Film - The coupling of stunning visuals and amazing acting makes this movie a 'Must See' Film.

3. You're Australian, right? Did your mother get dingo insurance when you were a baby? Actually I'm barely even Australian! I was conceived in Ukraine, and then I was born in Melbourne and lived there till I was 1 and a half? At which point I went back to Ukraine and lived there for another 2 years before returning back here only to move to Sydney, live for 2 years, move back to Melbourne, another 3 and I'm back in Sydney.

As for Dingo insurance, My dad is a scary russian assassin looking ruffian. Nuff said.


4. What animal would you like to be and why? Am I not animal enough for you already? ;)

I think I would probably be a dragon. But not one of those lame ones that just sit on gold their whole lives, More like the DEEEWWWWDDD, FLAAAMIN YOURR HOUSE, DEWWD type of dragon.


5. What sort of games do you enjoy playing? I play every single game that comes out (of those that are fairly mainstream), And I barely ever play games for their gameplay, I just play them.

I prefer games that strive to be as photo-realistic as possible.

For example; I probably spent a good 3 months making my crysis 1 look better than any game, To this day! (although BF:BC2 got pretty close, and BF3 is probably going to make it)

6. How did you find Team9000? I was just casually reading Gizmodo this one time when there was yet ANOTHER post about the new and rising Minecraft thing, whatever it was (this was like early january). So I startec reading, read alot, searched some more, kept reading untill I found a post that gave you the difference between classic and beta. After quickly googling, as quickly as my fngers would let me; BAM I had made a Minecraft account and was out ready for the big world of classic. BUT THERE WERE SO MANY SERVERS, WHICHEVER WILL I PICK?

In the end I went with the one that looked least like it was run by 13 yr old reindeer, Obviously being Team9000! and I was on being all cool.. Spent a day making possibly the best guest application evoar! which brought me to the forums. I spent a while reading what everyone else had said before taking the courage and beginning to post myself, but yarrr. That is the story :D

7. If you could anything for the rest of your life without having to worry about money, what would you do? I would probably be on Mumble and playing Classic for the rest of my life.

That orrr...

I would probably get high get in with unsuspecting (on the verge of passing out) girls and drink till I pass out every night, Partyin, Partyin, YEAH!
a.k.a I would probably resurrect my currently completely dead social life haha

8. Which is better: chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, It has a much higher density so your bound to get more!

9. Let's say you lost the ability to raise your hands and arms above your neck. Would you miss picking your nose? naaaaaa,But I would miss the ability to fulfill conrods fitness plan! D :

10. What sort of music do you listen to? If you had asked me this, but 6 months ago, your answer would probably consist of stuff that sounds like this:

dun, dududun, dudun. RARARARA, dun, dunadunadun, dun dun. RAAAA

now Its probably more like, wobwobwobwobwobwobowaaaaaaaaaawaaobbwobwobwob

11. What is your favorite word? Crucio ;)

Haahaahahaha <3, P.S LOL at crucio ? hahahahaha wtf - who knew?

I love the picture of my dad hahahahahahaha

about serbian, I would link you to my livestream on which you can watch a rerun of the illegal uncensored version...buhhhhh....THINKOFTHECHILDREN D :
Ponys are good.

Anyway, a compelling story once again, this time i learnt another new thing, Mikey has dingo insurance.

Cant wait for the next GTKAG.....

Mikey has dingo insurance? Ne'er knew that. Oh and guess what Google created of this thread...

O_o model posing on a car...

Oh and can I be in the next poll? You put me up with some people more 'well-known' than me i.e. Engineers :megusta: