Halo 4

Yes, big fucking mistake on 343's part. They should have included it with the full game at launch, along with a forge that isn't full of bugs and not removing a ton load of custom game options.

I was ignorant on the flaws of halo 4,I just jumped into war games and forgot about forge until now.
and noticing the missing features, this halo already has 2 communities angered at them. the forge and machinma communities must be furious
at 343 for not fixing few of the thing that made halo 3, and reach good in comparison.
When I first played this I was having a blast playing it and honestly had high hopes for it and was excited for dls and such. Then after about maybe 2 hours of playing it just got duller and duller and turned into one of those "play 1 game, get bored, never play it again for a week" games.

I see now, that the only problems I have with Halo 4 now is that it is far too easy. Seriously, when I hoped into the games first day I was wondering why I wasn't sucking before I realized all the fears of the game were true. And the games content vs all the dls does not match to how addicting and captivating Halo Reach and Halo 3 were. The thing that drew people in was this competitive sense and you either sucked or you were good, not every match is some "oh everyone gets power weapons and everyone have fun fun fun!". 343s aspect of fun is throw a million power weapons in there, let everyone go bat shit insane and in the end everyone got to go insane and honestly did good unless you were playing with a stick up your ass. There is no competitive sense left and that alone butchered any competitive community to focus around this game. There was a reason it didn't make the MLG circuit this year.

Now don't blame me, Im glad people are having fun with the game and there is a more fun aspect but a large portion of this game drew in a competitive crowd, the mlg crowd. I just feel that aspect is dead in this game and Im having a hard time specifying one reason as to why.

While I admit the Campaign was incredible and I commend 343 on how well they handeled it, even invoking some emotion out of me near the end. But the way they are handling multiplayer is just horrible and I hope they fix up their act for the next halo or the Halo Franchise is dead, competitively for me.

I just don't know what it was about games like Reach and Halo 3. Maybe I just sucked back then but it feels like every map has no coordinated aspect of strategy in halo 4. Maybe its just me but Halo 4 has just lost me in appeal due to the way they handled the mp.\

Also, the first forge map sucked so much balls I was furious when I saw it. This Forge Island should have been included in the first place.