Halo 4


How about...
Something like Sunday? Make it sometime during the night for the general australian area so it would be some time in the morning/afternoon for america
Not in your sexy australian land but I would hope you don't mind I could attempt to join in.GT:Trevtracy
Not in your sexy australian land but I would hope you don't mind I could attempt to join in.GT:Trevtracy
I think I have you added... I'll check,
Regardless, I'm just saying that since I'm based in australia I should do it at night, so anyone who is in america can come on at you know, human hours.
Alrighty then. Gamertags?

I can host the games and what not.

So, this coming Sunday 10:00PM EST so that way it's 2:00PM for Australia?

GT: Nobler3con
It would be late afternoon, there's about a.... 12 hour difference, thinking about it now it'll have to be at night for Australians so it can just be day for Americans.
Damn, so it'll have to be later than that.

Fucking timezones.

How about we make it... 3 hours from that, then.
Currently waiting for players to get online

Right now it is just me and Skryter

Edit: It has been postponed until a later time when people can actually get online and play. Not sure when that will be, but it isn't happening now.