Harlem Shake

why do so many people have the avatar that licks your face?
I don't get it, people need to be creative.
why do so many people have the avatar that licks your face?
I don't get it, people need to be creative.
It's not a creativity thing, it was one of the fads that T9k goes through, some people just kept it. You should have been around for Nurnday....ah, what the hell. You'll see it if you're here May 3.
It's not a creativity thing, it was one of the fads that T9k goes through, some people just kept it. You should have been around for Nurnday....ah, what the hell. You'll see it if you're here May 3.
Well I actually got my avatar from someone on dA as a gift :P
I'm going to, because this is t9k, damnit!

I personally use dA for inspiration for my own art....which is really hard to upload here since it's usually in excess of 10 feet wide and 8 feet tall, pretty much stationary, is technically illegal, and is on the sides of buildings.
So back to harlem shake.
This one's our class, 29 retards + 1 teacher who shows absolutely no reaction. No reaction! ಠ_ಠ
Video deleted because avroom's class fucked up the entire school

I know it's a bad one but hey, nobody knew that there will be music.
So back to harlem shake.
This one's our class, 29 retards + 1 teacher who shows absolutely no reaction. No reaction! ಠ_ಠ

I know it's a bad one but hey, nobody knew that there will be music.
Best. Teacher. Evar.