Harlem Shake

This one is really big.
That is until Harlem Shake goes... well.. Oh god no..



Personally I feel the whole harlem shake thing being done as just a bunch of friends doing it and sharing it locally to those they know or were in it makes the whole idea of it awesome and which more would take such a approach. What I hate about the harlem shake is people take it, and use it as a chance to surge their own gain or popularity that is already at a raise rather then doing it purely as a purely only aspect for fun.

And the the thing that bugs me about the harlem shake is that while a lot of these are awesome, seeing a logo at the beginning or the end of one advertising the "comapny" that did it just gives me the impression that is what just for business or some channel like nigahigga or freddiew doing it to boost his viewer income just ruins the whole thing for me..

And on the topic of this, I like 5sf's version the most:
Personally I feel the whole harlem shake thing being done as just a bunch of friends doing it and sharing it locally to those they know or were in it makes the whole idea of it awesome and which more would take such a approach. What I hate about the harlem shake is people take it, and use it as a chance to surge their own gain or popularity that is already at a raise rather then doing it purely as a purely only aspect for fun.

And the the thing that bugs me about the harlem shake is that while a lot of these are awesome, seeing a logo at the beginning or the end of one advertising the "comapny" that did it just gives me the impression that is what just for business or some channel like nigahigga or freddiew doing it to boost his viewer income just ruins the whole thing for me..

And on the topic of this, I like 5sf's version the most:
This is exactly what I think. This Harlem Shake is supposed to be something that is just for fun, a little bit of fun with a group of good friends that you've known for a while. It might look a bit stupid, but what does it matter when it can entertain a vast amount of anonymous people over the internet.

This is what I believe the Harlem Shake stands for: an impromptu breakaway from the expectations of society, to simply have a moment to flail around wildly and be stupid. It's a genuine form of escapism, shared with friends or peers. It takes about five minutes to hastily decide with your friends to try it and another 5 to 10 or so to film it. And once you're done, there it is, a random video that took no more than an hour to make and lasts less than a minute. Easy to create, yet in the making of it you experienced pure, unadulterated fun. You felt stupid as well, maybe you're cringing from it, but that's what makes the joke even funnier. You might have been stupid in doing this, but at least you and your friends were collectively stupid. This is something that you'll always refer back to when talking with your friends, and you'll have a good chuckle at it's mention.

However, once something like this is commercialized, it completely destroys the joke. It contradicts everything that this form of expression represents. If NBA cheer-leading teams or universities or offices or famous youtubers or even big companies try to use this as an easy way to appeal to the masses and be "trendy" and "cool", it absolutely, undoubtedly destroys the joke. The Harlem Shake is amateur-made chaos, if it's humorous to you it's probably because you appreciate non sequitur. To try to apply organization, planning, and having the choreography more detailed than it needs to be does not follow the spirit of the joke. This isn't a tool for an organization or company to appeal to the mainstream, this isn't a tool to be used to gain yourself some popularity and recognition and this is certainly not a tool to be used for advertising. It is not genuine if it is made with underlying intentions. Chaos cannot be organized.

If you hate this meme for being so popular you probably have a good reason for doing so. Within a few weeks it has already been bastardized and corrupted by the media.
You might have been stupid in doing this, but at least you and your friends were collectively stupid.
Gurw's Mother said:
If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?
Gurw said:
Probably. Most of my friends are relatively intelligent, and if they were all jumping off a bridge, I would have to assume that there is something wrong with the bridge that requires such an extreme action.

Sorry, it just reminded me of that conversation :p
We still doing this at PAX right? It would be so cool. While it's still a thing.
Hotel Rules:
No Gangnam Style, Harlem Shake, Dougie, or Macarena. However Rick-rolling in encouraged.

PAX Rules:
I have no idea if there's rules against it, or not. But, I had heard somewhere, that anything even remotely flash mob-like is not allowed.

However, if the Harlem Shake is allowed, I'm down..
Hotel Rules:
No Gangnam Style, Harlem Shake, Dougie, or Macarena. However Rick-rolling in encouraged.

FUCK THE POLICE. I don't know why we can't do this. All of us in Team9000 shirts and swag, and Riley's horse head, and wooty's minecraft head. It would be the best ever! Also would get some hits on our Youtube channel.

We could play the music low on a phone or something and edit it in later, so it wouldn't be loud.

Here, take my fun, not like I need it anyway.
I typed in a back slash on youtube because I was bored and this is what came up.

/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人
Sorry, it just reminded me of that conversation :p
When I was 8 the first time I said "but all my friends are doing it" , my mom said "if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you?", smart ass 8 year old me replied "how high is the bridge?".
When I was 8 the first time I said "but all my friends are doing it" , my mom said "if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you?", smart ass 8 year old me replied "how high is the bridge?".

I'd jump off too. I'm sure all my friends wouldn't suicide all at once.
Besides the fact I'm totally done with this Harlem Shake thing.
This was necessary to post.
Considering ginger edition.
When I was 8 the first time I said "but all my friends are doing it" , my mom said "if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you?", smart ass 8 year old me replied "how high is the bridge?".
"how deep is the water?" "am i attached to a bungee cord?" and so on and so forth....