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Herpity de Derpity Doo! 2 Years of T9k!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. 2 years guys. 2 years has passed since I joined Team 9000... It seemed like only yesterday that I was a gray named guest building penises stuff in Minecraft Classic.

I still remember the day I first found Team 9000. As with most people here, the connection was Minecraft Classic. I first heard of the game from one of my friends who was playing it during class. Intrigued by the blocks and the derpy nature of minecraft, I decided to try it out. I was awed by the structures in main. Being the non-blind, non-retarded person that I am, I was able to read /rules in Main and proceeded to Guest.

Upon reaching the Guest world, I proceeded to tour around myself, hopping around on the ground, as I did not know of WoM at that time. This next part, I shall confess, no one has ever known. I er, built a penis. lol. I saw a ship in the water and I proceeded to walk around it. When I was in the ship, there was a big open space. And I build the derpy penis with like the 1 block balls and stuff. And.... nexiumlol found it lol. I shan't go into further details (*cough cough*) but suffice to say that I never did anything like that again lol.

After wondering around for a good amount of time, I decided that I wanted to make a ship. Not just a normal ship, but a flying one. So, without wom, I single-column towered my way up and starting making a ship. It was tedious without wom and it took several hours. I think around 5 hours or so. But I completed it in the end. A ship in the sky with its sails and an anchor that went all the way down from the ship to the ground. As fortune would have it, along comes Ozy and bam! Permoats! At this point I'd like to give a big hug/thank you to Ozy for this. Seriously, if it weren't for you, I'd never had stayed around this long. That promotion provided an incentive to playing Minecraft and led to me discovering the community that is Team 9000. So thank you Ozy, wouldn't be here without you. Also, I would like to note at this point of time that I did not join the forums and did not sign up at the site yet. I joined MC Classic on 6th November 2010. I only signed up on the forums 10 days later on the 16th.

And as time went on, I found that I could now build in Cool worlds. Now, back then, the Cool worlds were crowded as heck and a new worlds were created rarely. So space was definitely an issue and I had to wait about 1 or 2 months before there was enough space in a new cool world to build something new and awesome. So I made a castle. A castle with a dragon in the courtyard. Being the irritating cool that I was back then, I pestered Ollee about my build. I asked him if he thought it'd be enough for a permoat to builder and his reply was "Not if you're asking for one". lol. But he permoated me anyway and at this point I'd like to extend my 2nd thanks to Ollee for furthering my plans for Team 9000 domination and control. Also, it was somewhere during this period of time that I bought Alpha and began playing on the Team 9000 MC SMP server. Man, those were the days. The big open worlds, the portal system. The people, the community... I miss those days... Those were the best times of my Team 9000 experience, when Minecraft was new and exciting, the people ever fun to mingle with. Minecraft soon transitioned from Alpha to Beta and worlds started changing some what regularly. But I will expand on MC SMP later on.

Moving on from then, from builder, it took me about another month or so to build up the trust and recognition to acquire the engineer rank. Engineer opened up a new door for me. I found I enjoyed the power. I found that I enjoyed keeping the server clean. I found that it was fun to kick those that deserved it. So I helped to search for grief, and should I find some, I would kick the person if he was on, or call for an Awesome+. This phase of me being engineer lasted about 4 months. Until finally, I was trusted enough for another rank up to Awesome. At this point, the bans started rolling in and I had a lot of fun in MC Classic. There was a point where I was promoted to Pro for like a week but during that period of time, reforms were had as woot felt there were too many Pros/Awesomes and many people were reduced down a level again, including myself. I did feel sad losing my 20k cuboid limit since I was one of the few moderator ranks that still built stuff pretty regularly. But I got over it and life goes on until this day. It has now been over 1 year that I have been an awesome and my activity level has dropped dramatically, I still occasionally hop on to smach a few people in the face every now and then.

As for my Minecraft SMP experience, it has been eventful but at this point my memory is a little fuzzy and I probably won't be naming individual worlds and cities and stuff. The Alpha phase of Minecraft did not last long. I think i was only around for about 3 weeks of it before it transitioned into Beta and the world was wiped and restarted. I miss the buildings I never managed to finish :(

The Beta phase was full of things happening. What I do remember was the whole Outlands system that was implemented. I will never forget this time period. For it marked the founding of Squad 9001. We were so derpy, so random and so awesome and every one of you are awesome. *group hugs*

And time passed. Worlds were phased out. New worlds were created. New cities were build. New systems were implemented. The ever changing scene kept the game relatively interesting. But I must admit. I am losing interest. I am not as active as I used to be. I used to be on Mumble almost everyday during my first year in Team 9000. But my attention span has always been short. I began playing other games and while there might still some interaction between me and some of you in other games, it is definitely not what it was during the Beta phase.

And now to wrap this up, all I would like to say is, thank you Team 9000. All of you. Well not all of you, some of you are dicks (*coughtecus cough cough*) but I guess I still love you all, somehow... This past 2 years have been the most fulfulling 2 years of my life. I have learned things I never would have learned otherwise. I have played games that I never even knew existed. I have had so much fun. Thank you Team 9000.

Here's a shout out to all the people that have left lasting impressions on me:
All the peeps of Squad 9001, TimmyB, bobomastoras, dougjlb, xVibes, mcFARTS, that ante guy, even Jerzey who was a part of us for a short time, derpy derpsu99 who is currently MIA, that bl12376912sparrow guy, and I'm going to stop here cos though these arn't the only guys, the are the original cew.

To the people from classic, the 2 C's casham and conrod, Britstralia power. The big 3 wooty, Ozy, ollee. Mr Sexy Voice tofurkey. The trollish newspapercrane. The casey, godliberator, rem. Damn the list goes on and on. Aussie squad mightymidget moolemoonmoke koodles camevil beese reese teese deese leese peese

The people from lushy, mainly ooz and frog, but the rest as well.
Also the people from the forums... well all of you I guess =/
I'm pretty sure there are only two people on the entire website who can delete other people's posts or comments.
and just like every one of use has come to know. team9000 is family, once you join us, you are in for eternity.

we all <3 you kon, you and your phalic power obsession.