Hi, I'm from the internet!

those are cats? anyways, welcome to this corner of the internet, i'm gonna go scrub that out of my brain now @_@

read ya later

and a little bonus to help you waste about 5 mins

actually that was bad marketing, quiznos got prank calls that they had rats in their quiznos cause of these commercials, causing many health inspections....people are stupid

Wow, first time reading this. I'm speechless.


This is the commercial I was talking about the one with the cats. The Quiznos commercial above is the rat/mouth/monkey thingy.

That was interesting. Perfume and Daft Punk remix. Love Daft Punk, but I haven't listen to Perfume with exception to chocolate disco.
well i love the new quiznos commercials, so because of this anti catlery i will post a cat :p
