Holiday Thread

I've mostly finished my Christmas shopping. Some people are getting stuff AFTER Christmas, when I have monies again.
I went to Whitewolf's Solstice celebration. We did the Gift blanket (where everyone one puts a gift they brought on a blanket, then picks out a gift that is not there's until everyone has something). I gave an apple scented oil diffuser, and got a hunting knife with a bone handle, and a fringed leather sheath. It's pretty kick ass.
So I gave $30 to a homeless lady and her dog. I feel good ^_^
A few weeks ago I gave an orange to a homeless dude that smelled like piss. I celebrated by going to Buffalo Wild Wings with some of my bros (Ok, that's not why I went there, but oh well).

Anyways, I am getting a new sax for Christmas! :D Also hoping to get an Eno Doublenest hammock and a new pair of headphones and some iTunes money.
I asked for a bass, and I already know I am getting some nice shoes. We eat corned beef and cabbage every year on New Year's eve, and it's always delicious. My brother visited us but had to leave so he could back on base by the 27th. I hope you all have a good time, and for those of you in school, enjoy the break!
I got most of my presents today. A lot of Hello Kitty stuff, new jammies, a tray of 48 glitter eyeshadows and sexy lacy underwears.

In the morning, I go off to a family get together. Honestly, I get so anxious about these. My mom's family doesn't know me, doesn't bother to get to know me, and doesn't give a shit about the stuff I do. They don't seem to give two short flying fucks that I drummed at the JFK Library in Boston, or that I'm keeping a dying culture alive. They don't know me, and they don't understand me.
Maybe I'll take a Xanax tomorrow so I can deal with them.