

New Member
Hey guys =)

Just wanted to make an update on my current situation and why I havnt been on so much, and also ask for some kind of help!

Worked alot since newyears and didnt have much time at home.
Had a great valentines day, but at the evening I started feeling kinda weird and went to the doctor.
Appearently my blood sugar was skyrocketing and I was rushed to the ER.

Got lots of tests and tubes and needles in various places, and now they moved me to a normal medical care wing of the hospital.
Turns out I'm diabethic (I think its spelled like that in english aswell).

They say I'l get to stay here about a week while they figure out my future medication and what I can eat and whatnot, but its soooo boring :P

I've borrowed my fathers laptop, and they got wireless internet, but sadly, they have some of nazi controlling the firewall, so most ports are blocked... tried both mc and mumble, cause I thought I'd fight some of the boredom with talking to u guys, but no, doesnt seem to work, so I'l guess we can write some here if someone wants to. Its so damn boring here ;O

At least the food is semi-ok and all nurses are sweet. No one older than 30 :P
I'm like the only one in here thats not two hundred years old and attached to EKG machines n stuff, so I sit in the common room, watching tv, getting spammed with sandwiches and tea and pillows and blankets from the nurses. I think they are kinda bored aswell, at least the nurses working the night shift.

Well, I'l be home again in a week or so, and will have to take it easy for a while, was thinking of mixing borderlands and trying out the new MC beta if the server is stable?

Hope you guys are all doing fine, would love to hear from you in this thread, cause hospital life is sloooow :P

Love and hugs from Nuls
Hey Nuls! Long time man. Thats a bummer dude, being Diabetic (<-- Spelling). It sounds like they are treating you good though, I hope it all works out! It would be nice if the beta was perm and stable. But for now, it is still temp. One thing though, the nether is out in it, wooty worked some magic and got it to work.
Hope you feel better soon!
<3 Briggs
Oh, any plan for when we will have a stable beta server and start working on cities n stuff? Sounds nice anyways =)
I'l be sure to jump into mumble and the temp server when I get home sometime next week =)

Got a bit of a minecraft depression when we took down our alpha server when beta came.
Not that all construction and digging were lost, but mainly that nothing really worked as it should... went to play world of tanks and borderlands with an old friend the few free hours I had recently... slowly starting to feel the urge for more minecraft again =)

I'l get to it when I get back... also tempted to try out killing floor of someone still play it =)

Most of all, I miss mumble.. a bit of a conflict with my rl friends that use skype 24/7, but I guess I'l work out a way to split the time when I get back :P Cant wait to hear woots dry academic boring voice, or shredex and cashams childish blabbering again =)

Just got some sort of soup delivered by a nurse here, and I'l better eat it before it gets cold!

Hugs and love from the swedish chef.
well holy carp. people i know who have diabetes are managing well. i'm sure you'll adjust in no time.

anyways, killing floor: great (swing on by) .. borderlands: i haven't finished it, always need an excuse to play it more. bunches of games here and there, we'll figure it out.

ok, get well and we'll catch up with you when we do *waves*
Nice picture there casham :D

For the sick guy:
Du skulle kunna ladda ner Hotspot shield för att undvika dom blockade portarna. Programmet är inte jätte bra men de funkar i alla fall:) Bara ifall du vill hoppa på mumble!

Well i hope your doing good and that we hear from you soon! :3<3
Get well soon sir! Hope you can get back and start playing again soon aha :).
We miss you dude! <3
Cash: lots of the nurses kinda look like that, oh well, blonde swedes but kinda.. they all wear regular scrubs though.

Ty for all nice words =) Got a big bag of bloodsugar testing devices and needles and test sticks n crap today =) Hopefully I'l be home on monday! life is less boring at least, got some visits and watched lots of movies and tv series :P Cant wait to get home to my real computer and kill pixels again though =) need to do lots of changes to my lifestyle, but that doesnt include computer time luckily =)

Thinking about getting a dog =) Need to do things a bit more sceduled n stuff anyways, and I've wanted one for like ten years, so maybe now is the time! Maybe a lab!

Glad so may of you responded, it cheer'd me up =) Looking forward to to crash mumble any day now!