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How did I get banned.


New Member
I wanted to play some minecraft classic, Iv'e never greifed before, but I have gotten a greifing detection, I did kinda greif a castle, but I repaired it after, in fact I get griefed all the time, please help me out.
Ohai Yokan, It appears you were banned for Griefing one of our Grief traps, Thus why you got a "Griefing detection" It IP bans for griefing these. Any who, I'll let an admin know about this appeal.

Please wait patiently for their reply, It might take awhile depending on the busyness :3
Well then, since no one has taken care of this appeal yet....
Yokan, you were banned automatically by the server for griefing a grief trap known as "g1", but mostly referred to as the "Griefers Suck!" sign. The reason we have grief traps is to help keep griefers away from the server. Even if you do get griefed from time to time, it's not ok to grief others. Instead, you should call over a blue, green, or red ranked player to come take care of the griefer for you (blues can kick them, green and reds can ban them and revert their grief).

Because this is your first official offense, I'm willing to give you a chance provided that you read over the rules again and reply with a promise not to grief from now on.
ok, what's up with this thread? are we done with this? just need an update so we can figure out what to do here. kthxbai.
Was waiting for a reply from the original poster, but I'll go ahead and close this out seeing how it's been quite some time since we heard from him.