How fast is YOUR computer? Compare scores!

View attachment 86203

heh, 69

Well... Fuck.

Also, in case his wootyness is watching, i've got a red lock :3
Im about to run this on my dad's six year old work laptop. This is gonna be great.

Edit: I can't show the screenie, but it got a 175. Not bad for such a slow computer.
Yay i haz good laptop!


I wish i could get a reading with no programs running but alas, i have a server that needs to be ran.
If i shut it down it would probably only add like 2 points but oh well lol


Holy shit, i was wrong

fail quote is fail?

And I haven't even overclocked it yet, plus I was running Minecraft (LBPR256x, Super-Fancy, Bump-Mapped, Better Water, and GLSL) while I waited for the thing to finish. I could probably hit a 3,000 score easily if I overclocked the processor and closed all programs. Also, the computer I'm running on is Gurw's old desktop. His new one is freaking beast, and he's upgrading it even more. Apparently he's got 16 slots for RAM or something insane like that. I don't pay much attention, and he's so excited about it he talks too fast for my brain to translate from 1337 to English. Computers aren't really my thing.

Interestingly enough, I got a much lower ratio on my 2D graphics than my 3D. I'll have to figure out why.
make gurw come back. <3
Computer Score.jpg

I spent a lot on mine, over a year ago. Once I get the upgrades I want in, this score will be rendered inadequate. Except for my CPU, that score can stay :)
Im about to run this on my dad's six year old work laptop. This is gonna be great.

Edit: I can't show the screenie, but it got a 175. Not bad for such a slow computer.
A computer running windows 95 could probably run faster then that...
What my piece of shit is running:

the shit-tastic score it got:

Probably doesn't help that its a single core processor...