How fast is YOUR computer? Compare scores!

I'm getting an Intel Core i7 2700K, so I'd better be set :P
Yup, you'll be set with that. Keep in mind though, you if are only planning to play video games with it, downgrading to an i5 2500k will save you $100 with no graphical / FPS setbacks. The i7 is more for simulation / heavy rendering video programs.
1214.4 on my VAIO

It recieved low scores with 2-D solid and transparent vector processing as well as with 3-D complex and DirectX graphic rendering.

That spinning tree made my laptop cry ;(
Yup, you'll be set with that. Keep in mind though, you if are only planning to play video games with it, downgrading to an i5 2500k will save you $100 with no graphical / FPS setbacks. The i7 is more for simulation / heavy rendering video programs.
I've found it for about $50 over the 2500k, higher numbers = more bragging rights xD
No Dig Deal............................:cool:
The two top users do.

I'm getting a Core i7 2600k and two GTX 560ti 448 cores next month, so when I do, I'll do this.

They also cheated because the top two have 2 physical cores. So they are using x58 chipsets. I don't think any games can utilize two actual processors.

Also alot of people must not use this. You would think someone with a i7 3xxx series chip (X79) would be at the top with Quad SLi.

EDIT: Holy shit, he has 98GB RAM
Well, they cheated. The top user has a Xeon, that's not even a gaming processor.
The top computer even has 96 gigs of RAM. That thing is a monster. But then again, those types of computers are built for running servers and rendering video model animations and such.

300$ + scrap parts system i hurled together when my last one couldn't run a game i bought. hahaha. Man, imagine if i sunk a grand into a desktop.

my CD/dvd drive is also over a decade old and the ejection mechanism is fried, i have to pry the fuckin tray out.